jueves, 21 de julio de 2011

Asperger’s Syndrome- Is There Real Cure For It?

Asperger's Syndrome- Is There Real Cure For It?

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If you know of a child who is having a greater degree of language impairment than other children or has diminished communication skills and also exhibits a restrictive pattern of thought and behavior, he may have Asperger's syndrome. This condition is more or less similar to that of classic autism. The main difference between autism and Asperger's syndrome is that the child suffering from Asperger's syndrome retains his early language skills.

The peculiar symptom of Asperg...

autism, autistic

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If you know of a child who is having a greater degree of language impairment than other children or has diminished communication skills and also exhibits a restrictive pattern of thought and behavior, he may have Asperger's syndrome. This condition is more or less similar to that of classic autism. The main difference between autism and Asperger's syndrome is that the child suffering from Asperger's syndrome retains his early language skills.

The peculiar symptom of Asperger's syndrome is a child's obsessive interest in a single object or topic to the exclusion of any other. The child suffering from Asperger's syndrome wants to know all about this one topic.

Sometimes their speech patterns and vocabulary may resemble that of a little professor. Other Asperger's symptoms include the inability to interact successfully with peers, clumsy and uncoordinated motor movements, repetitive routines or rituals, socially and emotionally inappropriate behavior, and last, but not least, problems with non-verbal communication.

Asperger's syndrome sufferers find difficulty mingling with the general public. Even if they converse with others, they exhibit inappropriate and eccentric behavior. The Asperger's syndrome patient may always want to talk about his singular interest.

Developmental delays in motor skills such as catching a ball, climbing outdoor play equipment or pedaling a bike may also appear in the child with Asperger's syndrome. Children with Asperger's syndrome often show a stilted or bouncy walk, which appears awkward.

The therapy for the Asperger's syndrome mainly concentrates on three-core symptoms: physical clumsiness, obsessive or repetitive routines, and poor communication skills. It is unfortunate that there is no single treatment for the children suffering from the entire three-core symptoms. But professionals do agree that the syndrome can be cured when the intervention is carried out at the earliest possible time.

The treatment package of Asperger's syndrome for children involves medication for co-existing conditions, cognitive behavioral therapy, and social skills training. The Asperger's syndrome treatment mainly helps to build on the child's interests, teaches the task as a series of simple steps and offers a predictable schedule.

Although children suffering from Asperger's syndrome can mange themselves with their disabilities, the personal relationships and social situations are challenging for them. In order to maintain an independent life, the Asperger's syndrome sufferers require moral support and encouragement to work successfully in mainstream jobs.

Studies are on the way to discover the best treatment for Asperger's syndrome, which includes the use of functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to identify the abnormalities in the brain which causes malfunction of the same, which in turn result in Asperger's syndrome. Clinical trials are being conducted to identify the effectiveness of an anti-depressant in Asperger's syndrome individuals. Even the analysis of the DNA of the Asperger's syndrome sufferers and their families may cause a break through in the treatment of the Asperger's syndrome.


Arthritis Treatment: Clinical Trials In The US

Arthritis Treatment: Clinical Trials In The US

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Improvements in arthritis treatment come from clinical trials. Clinical trials allow researchers to see which arthritis treatments work, which don't work, and how different arthritis treatments compare to each other.

There are currently several clinical trials going on in the United States. They are being conducted by the National Databank (NDB), which is a research databank for the purpose of studying arthritis and rheumatic conditions.

The National Data Bank for Rheum...

arthritis treatment,clinical trials,National Data Bank for Rheumatic Diseases,rheumatoid arthritis

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Improvements in arthritis treatment come from clinical trials. Clinical trials allow researchers to see which arthritis treatments work, which don't work, and how different arthritis treatments compare to each other.

There are currently several clinical trials going on in the United States. They are being conducted by the National Databank (NDB), which is a research databank for the purpose of studying arthritis and rheumatic conditions.

The National Data Bank for Rheumatic Diseases is a world-renowned, non-profit, independent research group. Its mission is to improve rheumatic disorder outcomes and care by providing research information to doctors and to people with arthritis, fibromyalgia, lupus, or other related problems. The NDB has published numerous articles in reputable medical journals.

Every six months more than 10,000 people contribute to this important research by volunteering approximately an hour of their time to answer questions about their condition and how it affects their lives. This is done online or by completing paper questionnaires that they send in the mail.

If you decide to participate in the NDB you'll be making an important contribution to the future of arthritis treatment.

What to Do If You Wish to Participate in the NDB Study

1.Visit the NDB enrollment page: . You'll be asked to provide consent to participate in the research.
2.After consenting, you'll begin the enrollment forms. They will ask for your contact information, your doctor's contact information, and other ways they can reach you if necessary. They may need to contact your doctor to confirm your diagnosis.
3.Then you'll move on to four pages of questions about your condition, which medications you are taking and have taken in the past, and your general state of health.
4.That's it. You're almost done. Look in your email for confirmation of your enrollment.
5.Once you have completed the enrollment form, you are now ready to join in the on-going research. They will contact you every 6 months in January and July with an email link to an online questionnaire. Depending on when you signed up, it may be a few months before you receive your first email with the online questionnaire link.

The NDB project provides an easy-to-use format which allows you to share your experience, giving researchers information intended to help improve treatments for rheumatic diseases and improve the quality of life for people living with rheumatic disease.

Your participation could help change arthritis treatment for the better. New and more effective arthritis treatment may results from this study.




miércoles, 20 de julio de 2011

Arthritis Medication

Arthritis Medication

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There are many over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications for arthritis pain sufferers that can be purchased without physicians' prescriptions.

arthritis, treatment of arthritis, cure of arthritis, prevention of arthritis

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Some are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) – some are OTCs / some require a prescription, acetaminophen and various topical medications, covered in the very next section. Users need to be aware of possible risk from long term use or product abuse, though, and consult their medical advisors before and during use.  

The most common OTC NSAIDs are ibuprofen, naproxen and aspirin. However, the misuse of some of these can cause blockage of an enzyme in the body that aids in the protection of the stomach lining and other areas. Misuse can lead to stomach ulcers and bleeding, and liver and kidney trouble. (The same drug abuse issues can result from prescription NSAIDs, too). Use the right way, these drugs can help with pain relief, inflammation and fever reduction, and blood clot prevention.

Acetaminophen is the name of the active ingredient found in several well-known brand-name products; some Excedrin® products, Tylenol®, and Aspirin Free Anacin®. Although it does not help with arthritic inflammation and swelling, it can help with pain relief in mild cases. Use caution with dosages, however. Excess usage poses risk of liver damage, even death, especially for active drinkers (of alcoholic beverages).

Topical Painkillers

If your arthritis pain is mild and only affects on or two joints, you may find that a topical pain reliever or topical analgesic can be useful. Topical painkillers are available as creams, salves or gels. The active ingredients of topical painkillers include: Capsaicin. Found naturally in hot peppers, capsaicin is found in drug stores under the brand names of Capzasin-P, Zostrix, and other drugs. Capsaicin works by blocking the transmission of a pain-relaying substance called substance P to the brain.

Camphor, eucalyptus oil and menthol are found in a variety of agents such as Arthricare, Eucalyptamint and Icy Hot amongst others. These substances are able to relieve pain by tricking the body to feel the coolness or heat of these agents.
Salicylates is a substance available in Aspercreme, BenGay, and Flexall. Salicylates work by decreasing pain and inflammation

Arthritis Relaxation
The importance of relaxation in controlling and treating disease in general has only recently been recognized throughout the medical industry, yet its implementation still lags and the general public does still not understand its effectiveness. Relaxation techniques, especially those involving meditation, have been seen as a bunch of "mumbo jumbo" for many years, until the findings of scientists and doctors that showed immense benefits to this practice became more prevalent. Relaxation techniques have a definite place in the healing process of the body, and with arthritis the case is no different.  

With certain types of arthritis, the importance of relaxation is increased, since stress and emotional disposition play a large part in them. Prayer is a form of relaxation and meditation if you are spiritually or religiously inclined that also works wonders. Either following a minister or someone else leading prayer, or formulating your own inspirational prayer, you can pull upon the comfort of God as you see him taking your pain away. Again mental and physical benefits are realized from such a practice.

You may also consider hypnosis as an option. Hypnosis is simply a guided meditation that allows you to access the power of your subconscious mind through a guide called a hypnotist, who is either a trained psychologist, psychiatrist, counselor, or social worker. Images of a man with a shiny gold stopwatch putting you under a trance to make you perform unusual acts or tell deep dark truths are more the scripts of Hollywood movies than what real-life hypnotism is. In the case of hypnosis for pain management, hypnosis is nothing more than an assisted guided imagery, such as described above. The only difference here is that you have someone to help you through the steps of relaxation and meditation on your image.

Relaxation is especially effective for those suffering from fibromyalgia, because this condition is caused by a number of non-physical triggers. Fibromyalgia largely comes from stress, lack of proper sleep, depression, and other emotional duress, and does not involve degeneration of the bones or joints. With this in mind, it is easy to see why relaxation techniques help alleviate this condition so well. Yoga is very beneficial both for flexibility as well as relaxation. Forms of yoga such as Bhakta are devotional, and Raja is meditation-oriented. They can provide a great deal of healing toward all types of arthritis, but specifically fibromyalgia because of the emotional causes.


Arthritis Juvenile Rheumatoid Treatment & Dog Arthritis

Arthritis Juvenile Rheumatoid Treatment & Dog Arthritis

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Info about arthritis juvenile rheumatoid treatment -- it can be hard to obtain targeted info about arthritis juvenile rheumatoid treatment.

arthritis, treatment of arthritis, cure of arthritis, prevention of arthritis

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I spent quite a bit of time looking, and certainly there is plenty of connected material, but there is little concerned only with arthritis juvenile rheumatoid treatment. I hope the following will be helpful for you.

A person who walks too forcefully, quickly, or heavily may have back arthritis, osteoarthritis, and/or psoriasis arthritis. Continuing to walk this way may lead to other arthritis problems - such as viral arthritis and/or spinal arthritis for example.

Arthritis such as: hip arthritis, shoulder arthritis, arthritis in fingers, and/or arthritis rheumatism, means joint inflammation. Juvenile arthritis, palindromic arthritis, different types of arthritis, or knee arthritis inflammation, for example, is the result of swelling, redness, warmth, and pain. In severe cases of arthritis such as: lumbar arthritis, eye arthritis, spinal arthritis, and/or lumbar arthritis, all joint tissues can be damaged.

Dog Arthritis

Is Spot Simply Not Acting Like Himself?

"Hey, friend, I got this thing going on in my hip and I sure wish you'd do something about it." Wouldn't it be wonderful if our pets could let us know when they were feeling ill? Unfortunately they cannot speak, so we have to watch them for signs of illness. One of the most common ailments in a dog is arthritis. Arthritis in a dog is common as they age, especially if they suffered from an injury when they were younger.

Does your dog seem to have trouble getting up after being asleep or resting? When he does manage to get up, does he walk like he is stiff and uncomfortable? What about personality changes? Is Spot not behaving as he once did? Is he uninterested in the toys he used to play with and does he spend his day lazing around? While pets do spend more time resting when they age, those with dog arthritis may have no choice but to lie around.

Dog arthritis may also bring about changes in your dog's temperament. If he was once sweet and even natured, he may become grouchy and irritable or snappish and unfriendly. Let's face it folks, dog arthritis is as uncomfortable on a canine as osteoarthritis is on a human. What if everyone was oblivious to your pain? Wouldn't you try to convey to them that something was wrong so they would get you some help?

The first thing you should do if you suspect your pet has dog arthritis is to take him to the vet. Your vet will be able to confirm to you if Spot has arthritis or not. He may even prescribe something to ease your pet's pain. There are many natural medicines which may also benefit Spot and ease the pain of dog arthritis. Ask your vet about them, or do a search on the Internet.

The most important thing you can do if your Spot has dog arthritis is to convey to him that you understand. You can give him extra attention and if he will let you, you can apply compresses to his afflicted joints. Your dog will take comfort from your attention and be able to relax once he feels you are finally aware of his discomfort.


martes, 19 de julio de 2011

Arthritis Cure

Arthritis Cure

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When it comes to finding a cure for rheumatoid arthritis, researchers are lost in the dark. At the same time scientists know rheumatoid arthritis occurs much more frequently in women than in men. And, they know certain genes play a role in the immune system of a person with rheumatoid arthritis.

arthritis, treatment of arthritis, cure of arthritis, prevention of arthritis

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The knowledge scientists do have sheds light on rheumatoid arthritis prevention strategies. Researchers know a myriad of ways a person may lower his or her risk, even if he or she has a genetic makeup that makes rheumatoid arthritis prevention more of a challenge.

If you have a relative with rheumatoid arthritis or if you want to slow down the progression of the autoimmune disease, consider devising your own rheumatoid arthritis prevention plan.

Since rheumatoid arthritis is not a contagious disease and cannot be transmitted from person to person, rheumatoid arthritis prevention thankfully does not depend on avoiding people with the disease.

Rheumatoid arthritis prevention is about common sense, staying physically fit, maintaining a stress-free and smoke-free environment as well as reducing strain on joints.

People who are obese put greater strain on their weight-bearing joints making rheumatoid arthritis prevention virtually impossible. Studies show obese people tend to eat more refined, processed foods – a bad habit that does not mix with rheumatoid arthritis prevention.

As part of your own rheumatoid arthritis prevention plan drink more water. Water plays a major role in the lubrication of your joints. Furthermore, water makes up 70 percent of the cartilage in joints.

Next, as part of your rheumatoid arthritis prevention plan, adopt a healthy eating plan. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, salmon and nuts. Cut down on high-fats including red meats and take mineral and vitamin supplements.

People with rheumatoid arthritis as well as those interested in prevention, may want to reduce repetitive strain on their joints and muscles. Rotate tasks throughout the day since forceful motions may contribute to rheumatoid arthritis.

Just as it's important to rotate work tasks on the job, it's critical for rheumatoid arthritis prevention that you cross-train when you exercise. A sedentary lifestyle will not help a person with rheumatoid arthritis or aid in prevention, although it is important to rest more during flair-ups.

If you are a woman with rheumatoid arthritis, exercise has been shown to help in the prevention of more severe disabilities.

In one Danish study, exercise helped strengthen the bones of women with rheumatoid arthritis who are at high risk of developing the bone-thinning disease osteoporosis.

According to the study Dr. Ole Rintek Madsen of Bispebjerg University in Copenhagen, Denmark, women with rheumatoid arthritis whose thigh muscles were strongest also had thighbones that were denser. His findings shed new light on rheumatoid arthritis prevention, suggesting exercise could help preserve bone strength in rheumatoid arthritis patients.

Another piece of the rheumatoid arthritis prevention pie has to do with psychological health. When it comes to prevention of any disease, the reduction of stress is paramount.

Consider meditating, listening to relaxation tapes, deep breathing exercises, visualization and yoga. Yoga is ideal for rheumatoid arthritis prevention because it is not only relaxing, but yoga postures may help with flexibility and range of motion of joints.

The prevention of rheumatoid arthritis is no easy task because there are no medications or lifestyle changes that are guaranteed in the prevention of rheumatoid arthritis. Typically, it's after a person has been diagnosed with the disease that they take steps to control the disease.

At the same time, some prevention may be possible because researchers believe they have found certain links in terms of lowering the risk of getting rheumatoid arthritis.

One sure fire prevention measure is to stop smoking. Smoking was implicated as a possible cause of rheumatoid arthritis after several major studies including one published in the March 2000 issue of the Journal of Rheumatology.

Frederick Wolfe, M.D. studied both seropositive and seronegative rheumatoid arthritis patients. He found the rheumatoid factor values increase when correlated with duration of smoking. Also, results showed smokers are more often rheumatoid factor positive than nonsmokers, and the rheumatoid factor is associated with a more severe case of rheumatoid arthritis.

Finally, in creating your rheumatoid arthritis prevention plan, don't neglect the protection of your joints. Take advantage of technology and devices designed to make life easier for people because many tools may aid in rheumatoid arthritis prevention. If you are successful now in terms of your prevention strategies, you may never be forced to use canes, splints or rheumatoid arthritis coping tools.


Arthritis, Pain Relief And Soft Drinks

Arthritis, Pain Relief And Soft Drinks

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Because arthritis is so widespread now, it gets a lot of attention from all of us - from the average person to the health professional. Some experts believe that arthritis was first introduced by a strain of virus some two centuries ago. But then, other experts have found conclusive evidence of arthritis in ancient Egyptian mummies. But whether it's two centuries or four millennia, arthritis does seem to be age-related. We are clearly more prone to have it the older we get. A...

Arthritis, pain relief and soft drinks, oil of oregano,progesterone cream, soothex,.

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Because arthritis is so widespread now, it gets a lot of attention from all of us - from the average person to the health professional. Some experts believe that arthritis was first introduced by a strain of virus some two centuries ago. But then, other experts have found conclusive evidence of arthritis in ancient Egyptian mummies. But whether it's two centuries or four millennia, arthritis does seem to be age-related. We are clearly more prone to have it the older we get. And we have therefore come to regard arthritis as a degenerative disease.

But that should by no means mean that arthritis is inevitable. "But why should we have to take natural hormone creams and supplements?" my clients often ask. "Our ancestors didn't take them, and arthritis wasn't nearly as prevalent in times past." The simple fact is, most of our ancestors didn't live to the ripe, old, healthy ages we do nowadays. They died younger and were worn out earlier - while we go on playing golf and tennis into our 70s and beyond. We live longer now, and want to enjoy ourselves more. So why suffer - unnecessarily - the aching joints and low energy of arthritis?

Sure arthritis is a fact, but we needn't resign ourselves to it. By being smart we can stay healthy. From my clientele and personal experience I've learned four easy ways to diminish or get rid of arthritis:

1. Soothex: It's a base of olive oil that's infused with anti-inflammatory herbs. Rub Soothex topically wherever you have pain and it takes the pain away, reduces swelling, and directly introduces healing oxygen to the joints and tissues. Soothex has no side effects… and you can use it as often as you wish.

2. Oil of Oregano: This herbal healer works on the same principles as Soothex, but more mildly. But it also is a completely natural antibiotic, and is antiviral and antifungal, and gives a great boost to the immune system. With such intense healing properties, both Soothex and Oil of Oregano are a far cry from commercial products that often offer mere numbing and heating effects.

3. Natural progesterone creams - These creams - such as Prosperin for women and Prosperon for men - naturally balance the hormones whose imbalance is the origin of so many stresses and bad sensations that can plague us in our middle age and senior years.

4. A natural healthy diet with lots of veggies and not too much animal protein. If you like red meats then go organic - you'll be cutting out a lot of artificial animal hormones that can play havoc with your health and well-being.

Did you happen to read that soft drinks can diminish arthritis? And did you wonder, as I did: Could this possibly be true?

The answer, it turns out, is both yes and no. If you have a bad case of arthritis and do not improve your diet and lifestyle, a six-pack of soft drinks might give you some relief from arthritis - but just temporarily. This can happen because the phosphate in the soda can dissolve some of the calcium deposits in your joints, which are the source of your arthritis pain and swelling. Indeed, what we call "arthritis" is actually an internal internal infection and inflammation.

But if you then take up drinking soft drinks as a regimen to keep your arthritis at bay, it will dissolve the calcium in your bones and put you on the fast track to osteoporosis. A losing proposition. Some recommend trying a six-pack over the course of a few hours, to see if your pain is reduced. If you try this, afterwards please stop with the soft drinks and take up with healthy, natural foods. This way the vitamins and minerals in your food will be well absorbed, and won't form deposits that congest your joints with the blockage and pain we call arthritis. For improved intestinal absorption of nutrients you should also drink kefir and / or take acidophilus.

Sure - arthritis is a degenerative disease, but it can be cured or dramatically reduced if you have the knowledge, persistence, and willingness to change your lifestyle. I've never quite understood why many of us seem unwilling to give up our suffering. It seems some just aren't ready for it yet. Are you?

Let Soothex jump-start the hope that arises when pain actually decreases, movement comes easily again, and your energy starts to flow. If you follow through with a natural diet, you can definitely enjoy your long life more. What else could we wish for?

"Health is our greatest wealth". - Benjamin Franklin

Warmly, Pieternel van Giersbergen.


lunes, 18 de julio de 2011

Arthritis, Gout – Rich Man’s Knee Pain

Arthritis, Gout – Rich Man's Knee Pain

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There are many causes of knee pain, such as overuse, obesity, arthritis or injury. However, there are two main causes of knee pain, they are arthritis and gout. If you are one of the millions of Americans suffering with knee pain or arthritis pain in the knee you may benefit from the many studies done on this subject. The three basic types of arthritis that may cause hip and knee pain: osteoarthritis and inflammatory arthritis (most commonly rheumatoid arthritis), and traumat...

gout,arthritis,knee,knee pain,knee injury,knee ache,injury,heel,pain,heel pain,painful heel,painful

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There are many causes of knee pain, such as overuse, obesity, arthritis or injury. However, there are two main causes of knee pain, they are arthritis and gout. If you are one of the millions of Americans suffering with knee pain or arthritis pain in the knee you may benefit from the many studies done on this subject. The three basic types of arthritis that may cause hip and knee pain: osteoarthritis and inflammatory arthritis (most commonly rheumatoid arthritis), and traumatic arthritis.

Autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosus can cause knee pain. In children, chronic knee pain may be the first sign of rheumatoid arthritis or simply "growing pains". Knee pain may result from trauma, overuse, internal derangement, osteoarthritis, or inflammatory arthritis. The differential diagnoses include inflammatory arthritis, bursitis or tendonitis, anterior knee pain and internal derangement.

Gout the another main reason for knee pains. Gout is a condition that causes sudden and severe attacks of pain, redness and swelling of joints. Gout is a condition has been well known for many centuries. Most often it affects a single joint in one episode, often the big toe. About 9 out of 10 affected individuals affected by gout are men over the age of 40. The peak age of attacks is 75 years, but it can occur in young individuals on rare occasions. Over one millions Americans have a gout attack each year.

Gout is due to accumulations of uric acid within the fluid of your joints. Uric acid is a waste product of many foods that we eat. In order to properly digest food, and rid our body of waste, we produce substances such as uric acid to transport waste material. Ultimately, uric acid is excreted via the kidneys in urine. However, when the transportation of uric acid is impaired, and uric acid accumulates in the blood stream, the condition called gout may result. The impairment of uric acid excretion is often due to a hereditary problem, but can also have other causes.

When the uric acid level becomes too high for an individual, painful attacks of gouty arthritis, or joint pain, can result. Other symptoms can include kidney stones, and, ultimately, kidney failure. It is interesting to note that the relationship between uric acid levels in the blood stream and gout is unclear. Some individuals with gout have normal or near normal blood levels of uric acid; other individuals have very high blood levels of uric acid with no symptoms of gout. It appears to be entirely dependent on the individual.

Some individuals have a hereditary condition making them more susceptible to gout; other risk factors also contribute to having a gouty attack. Among these are obesity and sudden weight gain, abnormal kidney function, excessive intake of alcohol (especially "binge" drinking), and certain types of cancer. Some medications, such as thiazide diuretics to control blood pressure, and foods that are rich in purines can lead to attacks. Purine-rich foods include organ meats (e.g. liver, kidney), herring, anchovies, and to an extent, all meat products.


Aromatherapy While Traveling

Aromatherapy While Traveling

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Whether you are on business trip, a romantic holiday, a family trip or simply want to experience outdoor life, aromatherapy essential oils come useful along the way. Take along carrier oils for diluting the essential oils.

Are you going away on business trip? Whether you have to meet clients, give presentations, hold seminars, business meetings, etc, one can surely feel stressed out. Take along with you lavender, peppermint, marjoram and Neroli essential oils.

- Massage...

Aromatherapy Essential Oils, Aromatherapy Oil

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Whether you are on business trip, a romantic holiday, a family trip or simply want to experience outdoor life, aromatherapy essential oils come useful along the way. Take along carrier oils for diluting the essential oils.

Are you going away on business trip? Whether you have to meet clients, give presentations, hold seminars, business meetings, etc, one can surely feel stressed out. Take along with you lavender, peppermint, marjoram and Neroli essential oils.

- Massage your body with 1 drop of marjoram and lavender oil each mixed with sweet almond or calendula oil after a warm bath to lessen the jet lag effect.
- Are you jittery before a big presentation or a meeting? Inhale few drops of Neroli oil to settle all the butterflies and ease all the nervousness.
- For headaches or migraines, concoct 1 drop of peppermint & lavender oil each with 1 tsp of sweet almond oil and massage it on your forehead, temples, sides and base of your neck. It will ease the headache away and let you stay alert. Few drops of lavender oil on your pillow will allow for peaceful night of sleep.
- Eating out and upset stomach go hand in hand. Massage 1 drop of peppermint & lavender oil each with 1 tsp of sweet almond oil on your stomach to help you with indigestion. Or you can try a peppermint tea.

Holidaying with your sweetheart or going for your honeymoon? Make sure you smell desirable all the time. Rose & jasmine oil are considered romantic oils.

- 1 drop of rose and jasmine oil each in 100 ml of jojoba oil makes a nice personal perfume for your holiday.
- A single drop of Ylang Ylang with its oriental scent is heady potent seduction perfume.
- For a romantic bath, add little of your personal perfume to the bath gel or water. You can use the perfume as massage oil on your partner.

Out with the kids. Calendula oil, lavender oil, chamomile essential oil and tea tree oil are some of children's oil that comes handy.

- Inhale a drop of lavender or peppermint oil from kerchief or tissue to ease the nausea and travel sickness.
- Got a tired kid on hand. Get your child to relax and inhale lavender oil.
- For small babies, apply lavender oil on your neck and shoulders so when you carry your little one around, the fragrance stays with baby.
- Stomach upset or colic trouble - 1 drop of chamomile mixed with 1 tsp of sweet almond oil rubbed clockwise on tummy will ease the stomachache.
- Lavender oil rubbed on the body helps to keep insects away.
- Few drops of calendula, lavender & chamomile oil is good for cuts and bruises.
- Aloe Vera gel or lavender oil applied to sun burn will soothe the pain.


sábado, 16 de julio de 2011

Aromatherapy - Using Essential Oils For Good Health

Aromatherapy - Using Essential Oils For Good Health

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Even before the term alternative medicine was formally used, aromatherapy was already being practiced 5000 years ago by Egyptians. At that time, oil was extracted from aromatic plants through infusion and used for embalming, cosmetics and medicinal purposes. This knowledge was passed on to the Greeks and served as the basis for more discoveries, including the relaxing and stimulating effects of the fragrance of some flowers. Going back further, ancient man's dependence on the...

aromatherapy candle,aromatherapy oil,aromatherapy product,aromatherapy essential oil,aromatherapy soy candle

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Even before the term alternative medicine was formally used, aromatherapy was already being practiced 5000 years ago by Egyptians. At that time, oil was extracted from aromatic plants through infusion and used for embalming, cosmetics and medicinal purposes. This knowledge was passed on to the Greeks and served as the basis for more discoveries, including the relaxing and stimulating effects of the fragrance of some flowers. Going back further, ancient man's dependence on the environment for all his basic needs and survival led him to discover natural ways of food preservation and the treatment of various conditions using herbs and aromatics.

1. Eastern Roots

The use of aromatics is also reflected in a Chinese herbal book by Shen Nung dated 2700 BC, showing specific details on more than 300 plants and their various applications. Ancient Chinese also burned incense and wood as part of religious practices that a good number of their modern counterparts still observe today. Aromatics was also a part of acupressure, massage and other therapies identified with the Chinese.

2. Modern Health Treatment

Today, many individuals place a high premium on health and well-being. The cost of traditional or conventional medicine such as surgery and medicare, however, has made a high number of people turn to aromatherapy, or essential oils therapy, and other forms of alternative medicine.

3. Basics

- Facilitates an equilibrium of physical, mental and spiritual health through natural means
- In some cases, these alternative treatments are now considered as strong and effective complements to regular medicine
- The main component of aromatherapy is essential oils
- Essential Oils are highly concentrated essences known for their healing effects

4. Essential Oils

These aroma-producing oils come from the flower, as in the case of a rose; leaves (basil is an example); twig; bark; fruit rind and other plant parts. Experts say that the extraction process can be time-consuming, complex and require much patience. Recognition and acceptance of these factors is important: getting about 5 teaspoonsful of oil could entail the use more than 220 pounds of rose petals. This process is what makes pure essential oils costly, although their effectiveness is not compromised because a treatment can entail the use of only a few drops to generate the target effect. An option is the less-expensive synthetic oils, although they do not offer the healing properties of their natural counterparts.

5. How It Works

Essential oils work by stimulating the olfactory system and later the brain or limbic system. The fragrance, other properties and effects of the oil determine how these body systems and their parts are stimulated. During a massage, these oils are inhaled and absorbed by the body at the same time, penetrating the skin and eventually reaching the organs and body systems. The absorption can be as short as 20 minutes and possibly extend to 2 hours or more, making some experts advise to avoid a shower or bathing immediately after the massage to maximize the desired effect.

6. Effects Last Days, Not Hours

The longevity of a fragrance also varies from 3-24 hours to 2-3 days and even longer to about a week. Eucalyptus, peppermint
thyme, and bergamot are among oils with a short-lived scent, while the scent of hyssop, lavender, balm, and other oils last between 2-3 days. Jasmine, sandalwood, ginger and cedarwood are among the oils that take as long as one week before completely evaporating.

7. Achieve A Sense Of Calm

The desired health balance of an individual also requires the creation of a balanced perfume, or a combination of the three types of oils based on longevity. These various combinations or aromatherapy blends can be mixed into a warm bath to relax and calm an individual, eliminate stress and depression, energize and sooth the body or aching part. The healing or calming effect of a massage can be enhanced by applying essential oils. However, this would require the use of carrier oils to prevent irritation or any other negative skin reaction. Some of these carrier oils, which help dilute essential oils, include avocado oil, olive oil, sunflower oil, wheatgerm oil, almond oil, soya oil and hazelnut oil.


Are Your Symptoms Acid Reflux?

Are Your Symptoms Acid Reflux?

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Are you having a painful burning sensation in your chest or your upper abdomen? Does this pain sometimes radiate into your back? Does it almost feel like you can't catch your breath? These general symptoms sound like heart attack symptoms and is often the reason that thousands of people show up in emergency rooms every year with them, only to find out these symptoms are related to acid reflux. It's estimated by medical professionals that as many as 20 - 30 million Americans s...



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Are you having a painful burning sensation in your chest or your upper abdomen? Does this pain sometimes radiate into your back? Does it almost feel like you can't catch your breath? These general symptoms sound like heart attack symptoms and is often the reason that thousands of people show up in emergency rooms every year with them, only to find out these symptoms are related to acid reflux. It's estimated by medical professionals that as many as 20 - 30 million Americans suffer from acid reflux or as it's becoming known - gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD.

Most of us have experienced it, especially after that spicy Italian sausage and pepper sub or even that piece of dense chocolate torte. For me it was drinking iced tea all day that caused me to have problems. So, for those of us with food related acid reflux it's easy to know what foods to avoid so we don't have a problem. We can take an over the counter antacid and obtain relief.

For some of us however acid reflux becomes a chronic condition that over time can cause damage to the esophagus. When the damage to the esophagus occurs this is when acid reflux can cause serious medical problems. What happens with chronic acid reflux is that the stomach acids that back flow from up into the esophagus actually damage the lining of the esophagus. This back up of acid can cause ulcers to form along the esophagus and can cause what is called Barrett's esophagus which is when the normal esophageal cells are replaced with abnormal cells. These abnormal cells have been associated with cancer of the esophagus.

The question is what to do? Try the easiest path first. If you have occasional acid reflux you can try observing what foods bring on the acid reflux. Some medical professionals do not see any link between acid reflux and food at all. They believe that acid reflux occurs no matter what type of food you eat. This has not been my personal experience. I have found that avoiding combinations of foods does prevent my acid reflux from occurring. Keep a diary of what you have eaten when your acid reflux acts up. This way you'll know what types of food to avoid. It is suggested that you do not lie down right after any meal. Do not bend over right after a meal. Don't wear tight fitting clothing. Do not smoke! Smoking can trigger acid reflux symptoms. If you have periodic acid reflux you can seek relief from over the counter antacids. For more severe and chronic acid reflux it is suggested that you seek advice from your medical professional. You may need a prescription antacid for relief.


viernes, 15 de julio de 2011

Are You Stricken With Chronic Inflammatory Arthritis?

Are You Stricken With Chronic Inflammatory Arthritis?

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Arthritis generally comes in two forms osteoarthritis and inflammatory-arthritis. For this article we will discuss inflammatory-arthritis and natural herbal alternatives for reducing swelling and pain. The popular option for controlling arthritis pain is taking prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; these drugs have been linked to cardiovascular, kidney and liver disease. If that doesn't sound appealing, natural alternatives are available for inflammatory arthritis...

arthritis,joint pain,inflammation,muscle inflammation,chronic inflammatory,chronic arthritis

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Arthritis generally comes in two forms osteoarthritis and inflammatory-arthritis. For this article we will discuss inflammatory-arthritis and natural herbal alternatives for reducing swelling and pain. The popular option for controlling arthritis pain is taking prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; these drugs have been linked to cardiovascular, kidney and liver disease. If that doesn't sound appealing, natural alternatives are available for inflammatory arthritis. Herbs like boswellia, ginger, skullcap, turmeric, acacia, hops, holy basil, feverfew, and white willow bark. Fortunately supplement manufacturers have learned about the anti-inflammatory properties of these herbs and do make them in various combinations to help relieve swelling and pain.

The first one on the list is boswellia, has a long history of use as a mild anti-inflammatory herb for joint pain and stiffness, and noted by herbalists of its effectiveness. The primary compound in boswellia known for its anti-inflammatory affect is boswellic acid, when purchasing boswellia always look for products standardized to boswellic acid. Ginger root has been known for its anti-inflammatory affects as well, ginger inhibits the production of the immune-system components called cytokines which cause inflammation in the body. Ginger is also known as a COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitor in suppressing prostaglandin synthesis which would reduce inflammation in the body. Ginger also stimulates circulation helping the body bring vital blood and nutrients to the inflamed areas of the body. Skullcap is used in traditional Chinese medicine as an anti-inflammatory herb. Turmeric also known as Curcumin has been used in Asia, India, china, central and south America as an anti-inflammatory herb for many years. The curcuminoids in turmeric has been clinically proven to reduce inflammation. Turmeric is also a potent antioxidant good for fighting free radical damage which tend to cause inflammation in the body.  Acacia and hops are both traditionally used for inflammation and pain. Feverfew since the first century has been used for the treatment of headaches, fever, menstrual discomfort, arthritis, and other aches and pains. According to a clinical trial study in England, feverfew when taken for three to four months can reduce the severity and frequency of migraines and other sorts of pain. Feverfew acts in a manner like the class of pain relievers known as COX-2 inhibitors, feverfew also reduces the absorption of thymidine by white blood cells, this will reduce the rate at which leukotrienes is produced which is a inflammatory chemical in the body. Finally, white willow bark has been used like aspirin as a pain killer with out the aspirin side effects. White willow has been used for fever, colds, minor infections, acute and chronic rheumatic disorders, mild headaches, and pain caused by inflammation. According to a clinical study done on white willow bark in England, researchers at the center for Complementary Health Studies at the University of Exeter gave eighty two participants with chronic arthritic pain either Reumalex, herbal supplement with white willow, or placebo. After two months the white willow herb proved to be superior to the placebo pill.

This is by far a complete list of herbs good for reducing inflammation in the body but it is a good start to help you on your way to recovering from inflammatory arthritis. As always, the statements in this article are not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease please consult your health care physician before discontinuing medication or introducing herbs into your diet if you are currently on medication of any kind.


jueves, 14 de julio de 2011

Are You Paying Too Much to Quit Smoking at Your Local Store?

Are You Paying Too Much to Quit Smoking at Your Local Store?

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Giving up nicotine is not easy. Smokers have a physiological addiction to nicotine and their behavior has been conditioned to follow a routine that reinforces the habit. Most smokers know that smoking it bad for them, even potentially lethal, yet they continue to smoke.

Quit Smoking, Nicotine Gum,

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Giving up nicotine is not easy. Smokers have a physiological addiction to nicotine and their behavior has been conditioned to follow a routine that reinforces the habit. Most smokers know that smoking it bad for them, even potentially lethal, yet they continue to smoke.

Its a sad fact that in today's markets the big pharmaceutical companies are able to regulate the prices of consumer products. What I am specifically talking about is the #1 most widely used quit smoking product, Nicorette Gum.

I am here to tell you that you can find the same Nicorette Gum online for a hugely discounted price. Nicotrol Gum currently sold in overseas countries is that solution.

Nicotrol Gum is a rebranded form of Nicorette Gum. This means that it is the same gum as Nicorette, manufactured by the same company, in the same country (all Nicorette products are produced in Sweden) but sold under a different brand name, at a different price.

A typical internet price for a pack of Nicorette Gum in the US is $40.50. Compare that to $24.50 for a similar sized pack of Nicotrol from an overseas supplier. That's a roungh saving of 40%.

There are also other options option available such as generic brands.

Habitrol gum, formally known as Nicotinell gum is another brand of nicotine gum that has become very popular over the last couple of years. Habitrol gum has been said to taste better and is cheaper than Nicorette and last longer than Nicorette Gum.


Are You Looking For A Cheap Bad Breath Cure?

Are You Looking For A Cheap Bad Breath Cure?

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Bad breath cures are a dime a dozen really, they're all over the place in terms of geography, content, price, and life philosophy. This is because lots of people have this problem and because usually they don't know a lot and are easily deceived by gimmickry.

So how do you go out and find a bad breath cure that works but isn't going to break your bank or risk your health. Well you should probably talk to your family doctor and or your dentist and get his or her advice. Thi...

bad breath cure

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Bad breath cures are a dime a dozen really, they're all over the place in terms of geography, content, price, and life philosophy. This is because lots of people have this problem and because usually they don't know a lot and are easily deceived by gimmickry.

So how do you go out and find a bad breath cure that works but isn't going to break your bank or risk your health. Well you should probably talk to your family doctor and or your dentist and get his or her advice. This is your best bet because these people have the background training that allows them to understand the pathophysiology around this common but very socially disturbing problem. They also have the training and knowledge required to safely use some of the effective options that are available that can really knock out your halitosis once and for all.

Let me try to give you some basics of bad breath. First the main issue is that the smell comes from bacteria that have colonized your oral cavity. In order to come up with an effective bad breath cure you have to either find a way to limit the colonization of these bacteria in your mouth or to limit the substrates that the bacteria use to create the foul smell. Oral hygiene is therefore an obvious start. So yes you have to brush your teeth regularly if you haven't been.

Most people already do this so the next step is brushing your tongue as well as your teeth. This is because your tongue is actually the main breeding ground for this smelly bacteria and by brushing your tongue you are actually dislodging millions of bacteria and keeping the population at bay. Mouth rinsing helps too. This is another way that you can dislodge bacteria from all of the pits and crevices in your mouth and wash them down the drain. You can either rinse with water (which actually works better than most people give it credit) or some sort of antibacterial mouthwash that not only dislodges but also kills part of the population with each swish and gargle.

If you are already doing this regularly and have had no success with the bad breath than you need to go to the next level up. This is changing your diet. Bacteria love foods rich in carbohydrates especially simple sugars. This is what they use to both live and to create those noxious fumes so cutting them out of your diet tends to help. The other diet modification is to eat yogurt. This is something that not many people think of but can be really effective. You see yogurt contains a benign bacteria that doesn't give off bad smells and can kick the bacteria out by out competing them for a place in your mouth.


miércoles, 13 de julio de 2011

Are Pain Killers Causing Your Headaches?

Are Pain Killers Causing Your Headaches?

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Do you take analgesics (pain pills) for your chronic headaches? If you do you are not alone, but you may be surprised to learn that the pain-killers you're taking may actually be promoting your chronic tension or migraine headaches.

migraine headaches, headache, headaches, migraines, pain, relief, chronic, relieve, treatment

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What should you do when you have a tension or a migraine headache? What should you do when you are experiencing chronic pain? Take a pain pill, right? WRONG! Most people don't have a second thought when it comes to taking analgesics for their chronic headaches or other assorted aches and pains, but research from the St. Louis University School of Medicine demonstrates that "analgesic use seems to be the primary factor in promoting the development of chronic pain." It was found that painkillers, instead of helping relieve the chronic pain, can actually be the cause of it.

"The best thing a person with chronic headaches can do is get off the painkillers," says Paul Duckro, associate professor of psychiatry at St. Louis University. "In our studies, two-thirds of the chronic headache sufferers benefited from the withdrawal of medication." Two-thirds of the chronic headache sufferers not only did not get rid of their headaches with the medications they were taking, but increased their severity through the use of analgesics.

"Evidently, at a certain point in a chronic sufferer's intake of analgesics (including aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen and the stronger narcotic painkillers), the headache becomes drug-induced. In an irony of biology, a substance intended to reduce pain becomes a factor in producing it." Ibuprofen is the "pain-relieving" ingredient in Advil, Motrin IB, Nuprin and many other headache medications. Acetaminophen is the active "painkilling" ingredient in Tylenol. You should be aware that these popular medications may be hindering your recovery from your chronic headaches. And even worse, the medications that are supposed to be relieving your pain may actually be the cause of it.

According to Duckro: "The person takes some aspirin, but the pain increases. So the person takes some more aspirin. Then the person begins to take aspirin in anticipation of the pain, thinking, 'If it's this bad when I'm taking medicine, it's going to be unbearable without.' Gradually, the person - and it's more often a woman - gets a headache whenever the medicine is not being taken." (Duckro is director of St. Louis University's Biobehavioral Treatment Center, which has its own headache management program).

Dr. William Bennett, head of nephrology at Oregon Health Sciences University, estimates that over-the-counter painkillers are responsible for as many as 20% of the 125,000 cases of end-stage kidney disease in the United States. All drugs have side effects. These can include dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, liver damage, kidney damage, internal bleeding and many other symptoms including death. We have always known and recognized these possible negative consequences from ingesting drugs (unless we don't read the labels), but we continue to take these analgesics by the mega millions with the hope of relieving our pain and discomfort.

There is no guarantee that if we take a pain pill for our chronic migraine headaches, stomach aches or other types of pain it will actually eliminate the pain. There is also no guarantee that we won't experience unwanted reactions to the drug itself. But when the pain gets so bad we often decide that the possible relief outweighs the risk associated with the analgesic.

But what most of us do not realize is that there may be one more consequence from taking medication for chronic headaches. We may find that the analgesics are actually the cause of the symptoms, that without them we wouldn't be having so many headaches. If you suffer with chronic headaches you may find that the pills you are taking are actually inducing your discomfort. And you may also discover that when you stop taking the medication you begin to experience fewer chronic migraines. After all, according to the director of St. Louis University's Biobehavioral Treatment Center two-thirds of the chronic headache sufferers benefited from the withdrawal of medication.


Are Home Diagnostic Kits Reliable As A Substitute For Professional Medical Opinions?

Are Home Diagnostic Kits Reliable As A Substitute For Professional Medical Opinions?

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Thousands of Americans are making important decisions about their health based on results obtained from tests administered in bedrooms and bathrooms.

medical test, health test, diagnosis, health, health care, medical, medicine, doctor

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Let's face it. A trip to the drugstore is a whole lot easier than a costly and time-consuming trip to the doctor's office.  No time wasted waiting for the physician; no embarrassing questions to answer; and no sticker shock when the bill comes. Just head for the section of your pharmacy with all of the gadgets and home test kits and you are ready to "play doctor."

With skyrocketing medical costs and increased concerns about privacy, more and more Americans are taking advantage of products designed to help monitor existing conditions or to help diagnose new ones. Blood glucose monitors help diabetics manage their condition, blood pressure kits help monitor hypertension while those with cardiovascular concerns can track cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Of course, home pregnancy kits have been available for years. But now it is possible to go well beyond health management with these off-the-shelf products and individuals can now perform diagnostic tests in the comfort and "safety" of their homes.

But is this trend really safe?

Health care professionals have expressed concerns that the use of home test kits may cause users to delay or avoid proper medical care. Misinterpreting the results of self-administered tests can lead to decisions that are based on false assumptions. For example, there have been reports of people changing their medication dosage based on results of blood pressure readings at home. Decisions about any treatment based on self-administered tests should be deferred until a physician confirms them.

The list of conditions for which home diagnostic products are available is expanding rapidly. It is now possible to test for drug use, alcohol use, HIV, prostate cancer, hormone levels, diabetes, blood type, anemia, allergies, hepatitis, cholesterol levels, fertility and even certain strains of flu.

The opportunity is always present for a user to improperly administer a test or to misunderstand the results. Delaying treatment based on these results could have serious consequences. Now that the number of tests available is so large, and the conditions so potentially serious, it is absolutely critical that these test results be validated by a doctor.

Given this diverse menu of tests, users are sure to get results for which they may be unprepared. A positive reading for HIV could be devastating. Health care professionals are trained to address the concerns and possible psychological issues faced by a patient receiving bad news from a test. Individuals trying to cope with a similar result at home may find themselves alone and unable to cope.

Home health tests should be used with great care and should never be considered as a replacement for proper medical care. If you are seriously concerned about your health and well-being, it is fine to practice a bit of do-it-yourself medicine… as long as you get a second opinion.


martes, 12 de julio de 2011

Are Canadian Pharmacy Online Services Safe?

Are Canadian Pharmacy Online Services Safe?

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Many Canadian Pharmacy Online services are safe and reliable.  A few well placed questions can confirm the legitimacy of any service you inquire about.

canadian pharmacy, canadian pharmacy online

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There has been much ado lately about Canadian Pharmacy Online medications. Everyone is concerned about the rising costs of prescription medication. As the American public and particularly the "Baby Boomers" age, more medication is often required to maintain quality of life and to control chronic illness. Many do not have proper prescription drug insurance coverage.

The recent negative media pointed at Canadian Pharmacy mail order prescription services has caused some people to be a little leery of them.  Customs has on occasion, confiscated medications crossing the border because required documentation was missing or incorrect. Another issue with mail order services is that some do not supply the identical medications.  And of course there is always some rotten apple working the angles.

Some people have turned to Asian mail order medication services only to learn that what they received was the wrong medication or did not contain the correct dosage as prescribed by their U.S. doctor. Asian and Mexican mail order medication services are not governed by the same strict guidelines as those in the U.S. and those that control the Canadian Pharmacy industry.

All is Not Lost Though

There are safe, cost-effective, legal mail order prescription services available. Here is what to look for when selecting a Canadian Pharmacy service.

*  Does the mail order service require your doctor provide proof, and do they confirm the prescription with your doctor?
*  Does a licensed doctor (in the country providing the prescription) co-sign that prescription once verified by your doctor?
*  Do the medications originate in a country known to provide identical medications as those available in the United States, such as Canadian Pharmacy Online services provide?
*  Does the mail order prescription service provide significant savings over U.S. drug costs, like 30% or more?
*  Will the mail order company provide prompt service, making certain that all the documentation to clear U.S. Customs is precise?

If you are considering a Canadian Pharmacy for some or all of your prescriptions and they meet ALL of the above criteria, then you can save money and get medication you can trust.

Most Americans today who use mail order medication services have found many Canadian Pharmacy services that meet all the criteria above.  These are reliable, safe and cost-effective services. These Canadian Pharmacy services provide the identical medications or generic equivalent, ensuring you receive precisely what is prescribed by your doctor.

By using a Canadian Pharmacy Online prescription service, you can save as much as 30% or more. If you're considering Medicare Part D, Canadian Pharmacy savings can be especially important because of the "donut hole" which makes amounts from $2150 to $5100 your responsibility.

Using a Canadian Pharmacy mail order service can enhance your coverage on Medicare Part D and help you avoid reaching that dreaded "donut hole".


Are Botox Treatments A Miracle For Wrinkles Or A Toxic Scare?

Are Botox Treatments A Miracle For Wrinkles Or A Toxic Scare?

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A quick online search for the term Botox will reveal that there are as many people searching for Botox as there people searching for Botox alternatives. Botox was approved by the FDA in 2002 as a cosmetic procedure to get rid of wrinkles. A simple needle injection was demonstrated to miraculously eliminate nagging lines and wrinkles and the boom was on….until people started to read about what "tox" in Botox really was.

Botox is the trade name used for Botulinum Toxin Type ...

botox treatments, botox injection, botox injections, botox alternative, botox cost, botox cosmetic

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A quick online search for the term Botox will reveal that there are as many people searching for Botox as there people searching for Botox alternatives. Botox was approved by the FDA in 2002 as a cosmetic procedure to get rid of wrinkles. A simple needle injection was demonstrated to miraculously eliminate nagging lines and wrinkles and the boom was on….until people started to read about what "tox" in Botox really was.

Botox is the trade name used for Botulinum Toxin Type A. Yes, I said toxin as in poison. Botox is in fact a relative of botulism, a kind of food poisoning. This food poisoning occurs when a person eats any kind of food that contains a neurotoxin which is created by the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum.

Botulinum Toxin Type A, which is just one of seven of the neurotoxins that are produced by the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum. Botulinum Toxin Type A causes serious fatal conditions such as paralysis.

When this occurs, the neurotransmitter that is in charge of triggering muscle contractions (acetylcholine) can no longer be released. The Botulinum toxins have attacked the proteins such as SNAP-25 that are supposed to be essential for release of this acetylcholine.

The Botulinum toxins have now accomplished blocking the signals that are supposed to tell the victim's muscles to contract.

By now you're probably wondering why anyone would want to inject these toxins into their body INTENTIALY. The reason is that we want to get results fast and Botox does work. If any area of your body can be prevented from moving, then it can't contract and guess what? It can't wrinkle - that is the phenomenon of Botox!

Botox starts to work within hours but the results will not last permanently. Depending on your body, the effects of Botox can last anywhere from 3 to 8 months.

As for whether Botox is dangerous or not, the dangers remain fairly low.

Botox is definitely not recommended for people with neuromuscular disorders as it would be dangerous for them. It is also not recommended for people with cardiovascular disease. If you don't have either of these problems you should still consult with your physician before considering Botox.

Studies have shown that if you are a person that is a good candidate for Botox injections and the injections are administered by a qualified profession you should not experience any dangerous side effects. If you are searching for a way to look longer, generally Botox is a relatively safe way to combat the aging process.


lunes, 11 de julio de 2011

Apricot Kernel Oil

Apricot Kernel Oil

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World over people use massage therapy to help promote healthy skin, nourish and strengthen the body, relieve stress, reduce pain, and encourage balance and well being. Massage opens and increases the flow of energy, balancing the entire nervous system and helping to release physical and emotional disharmony. The many benefits of massage are enhanced by the use of high quality massage oil.

Apricot tree is the member of the rose family originating from Central and East Asia....

Massage Therapy, Massage oil, Apricot Kernel Oil.

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World over people use massage therapy to help promote healthy skin, nourish and strengthen the body, relieve stress, reduce pain, and encourage balance and well being. Massage opens and increases the flow of energy, balancing the entire nervous system and helping to release physical and emotional disharmony. The many benefits of massage are enhanced by the use of high quality massage oil.

Apricot tree is the member of the rose family originating from Central and East Asia. The fruit, rich in vitamins is used to produce the pleasant smelling Apricot Kernel Oil. Apricot Kernel Oil is very mild natural oil, often used in baby products because of its fine gentle nature.

Apricot kernel oil is cold pressed and refined from the dried kernels of the apricot fruit. It is light in colour with pleasant nutty odor and used in manufacturer of creams, balms, lotions and cosmetics.

Sought out for its high vitamin E content and skin softening properties, apricot kernel oil is known for its ability to penetrate the skin without leaving an oily feel. Apricot kernel oil is also popular as massage oil and it used as carrier oil when used with essential oils for aromatherapy.

Rich in essential fatty acids like oleic and linoleic acid, apricot kernel oil is high in vitamin A. Since it easily penetrates the skin, it is good oil for prematurely aged, dry or irritated skin. The excellent softening and moisturizing properties is great for face, hands and hair. Vitamins A & C are good for mature dry or sensitive skin. The apricot kernel oil helps skin retain elasticity, clarity, and suppleness. Crushed Apricot Kernels are commonly used as a facial mask to soften the skin.

In addition, Apricot Kernel Oil is used as an antitussive, anti-asthmatic and to treat tumors in traditional Chinese medicine. It helps to calm the inflammation / irritation of eczema and dermatitis. When combined with an equal amount of St. John's Wort Oil, it is acts as anti-inflammatory and has a cooling effect.

Due to its moisturizing, nourishing and revitalizing properties, apricot kernel oil is widely used for massage therapy.

Face Mask Formula - A soft paste made of 2 drops each of frankincense, rose and neroli oils, 6 tsp of apricot oil, 1 tsp clear melted honey and finely ground almond makes a good moisturizing face mask.

For nourished, soft and supple skin, rub apricot kernel oil on your body daily.

Acne Fusion - Pour 1 ounce of apricot kernel oil, 12 drops of lavender essential oil, 7 drops of tea tree essential oil and 1 drop of geranium essential oil in amber coloured clean bottle. Close it tightly and roll the bottle to mix the blend. Apply a small amount of this blend to the acne affected area.


Appendicitis Surgery and Malpractice

Appendicitis Surgery and Malpractice

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Medical science needs more reliable means of diagnosing appendicitis. Commonly misdiagnosed and mistreated, appendicitis is a very problematic internal disease that requires special attention and prompt medical intervention. Due to the fact that appendicitis usually generates vague, non-specific symptoms, doctors are faced with a real challenge when it comes to diagnosing this type of disease.

treatment for appendicitis, appendicitis, acute appendicitis,  symptoms of appendicitis, signs of appendicitis, chronic appendicitis

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Medical science needs more reliable means of diagnosing appendicitis. Commonly misdiagnosed and mistreated, appendicitis is a very problematic internal disease that requires special attention and prompt medical intervention. Due to the fact that appendicitis usually generates vague, non-specific symptoms, doctors are faced with a real challenge when it comes to diagnosing this type of disease. Lack of outwardly visible, clear appendicitis manifestations often leads to delayed medical intervention or, more commonly, unnecessary surgery. Recent studies indicate that the great majority of appendectomies are performed on healthy patients as a result of misdiagnosis.

The unspecific character of appendicitis symptoms renders clinical examinations inconclusive in revealing clear signs of the disease. In addition to routine physical examinations and blood analyses, doctors often rely on ultrasound tests, computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in order to confirm the presence of appendicitis in patients. However, these medical techniques aren't always 100 percent accurate and under special circumstances they may actually be inappropriate.

For instance, computerized tomography scans can't be performed on pregnant women, as the procedure involves exposure to radiation, thus interfering with the normal development of the fetus. Although they are safer, ultrasound tests are not very effective in finding conclusive physiological signs of appendicitis in pregnant women or patients with certain types of internal disorders. Despite the fact that magnetic resonance imaging is one of the best techniques used in diagnosing appendicitis at the moment, this procedure also has its minuses.  

However, a new, revolutionary scanning agent is now available for medical professionals. Neutrospec is a latest generation technique that promises to solve the existent issues in the process of diagnosing appendicitis. Neutrospec is a radio-labeled antibody that sticks to the membrane of white blood cells once it is injected inside the blood stream. The labeled white blood cells then indicate the site of infection, thus helping doctors in diagnosing various types of internal disorders that involve bacterial infections. The radio-labeled antibodies can be easily monitored with the means of a gamma camera, requiring no additional medical equipment. Unlike other blood scanning agents, Neutrospec allows doctors to monitor the activity of white blood cells right after the radio-labeled antibodies are introduced inside the body. Apart from being easy to use, Neutrospec doesn't require further blood manipulation and thus it is considered to be a lot safer than other scanning agents.

Neutrospec has been successfully used to correctly diagnose patients with latently evolving appendicitis and thus it is considered to be superior to other medical techniques that can't always reveal clear signs of such internal disorders. Even during its testing period, Neutrospec has proved to be a remarkable medical procedure for diagnosis. With the means of Neutrospec, more than 95 percent of patients with suspected appendicitis have been correctly diagnosed in less than an hour. Its ease to use, reliability and safety render Neutrospec appropriate for diagnosing various cases of appendicitis, minimizing the risk of misdiagnosis and unnecessary appendectomy.


viernes, 8 de julio de 2011

Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety Symptoms

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Anxiety is a part of everyday life in the new millennium. But for people, it expresses itself much worse than for others. Anxiety symptoms that go beyond the typical expressions of unease and nervousness should not be ignored. While many people can expect to suffer an anxiety attack at some point in their life, recurring episodes of extreme anxiety are definitely not normal.

Anxiety itself is good. It serves as the body's warning system that something may be amiss; that we...

irritability,nervousness,stressful situations

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Anxiety is a part of everyday life in the new millennium. But for people, it expresses itself much worse than for others. Anxiety symptoms that go beyond the typical expressions of unease and nervousness should not be ignored. While many people can expect to suffer an anxiety attack at some point in their life, recurring episodes of extreme anxiety are definitely not normal.

Anxiety itself is good. It serves as the body's warning system that something may be amiss; that we need to move into a state of preparedness. Among these anxiety symptom are a rapid heartbeat, dry mouth and sudden perspiration. Surely nobody reading this has ever managed to escape those sensations.

But how many have been found themselves in stressful situations in which they became dizzy, grew short of breath, felt pain in their chest and a sudden need to urinate? While these are all common symptoms of everyday anxiety, if you find yourself feeling all of them, chances are you have gone beyond the norm and experiencing an actual anxiety attack. If you experience these symptoms on more than a few occasions, you may be to the point where you should consult a doctor.

Still, even these anxiety symptoms do not definitely mean you are experiencing an anxiety disorder. After all, the human body responds differently to varying situations of stress. For some people, the very thought of walking onto a stage and speaking to a large crowd of people would bring on all of the above symptoms without it necessarily indicating a disorder.

However, if in addition to the above, you also experience one or more of these anxiety symptoms, it is definitely past the point where you should at least be conducting some research. If you begin to experience deep feelings of apprehension, or even outright dread, of certain situations even when you are not anywhere near to being in those situations and you experience the physical symptoms, chances are you anxiety is to the point of a disorder. In addition, isolation of oneself from others can often be a sign of a more serious problem. Nervousness, jittery behavior, irritability, jumpiness; all of these are normal responses under certain circumstances, but if you notice a link between feeling them and either facing or just thinking about stress-inducing environments or events, it may be time to consider professional help.

Anxiety symptoms are a normal part of the day for most of us. Unless you get to work at your dream job and then go back to your dream home life, chances are you will experience a facing pulse, or a dry mouth today. It can be difficult to determine if the anxiety you are feeling is normal or something more. The worst thing to do is compare your reactions to anybody else; what may seem excessive to them might actually be normal for you. However, if you do find yourself experiencing these anxiety symptoms and you are concerned, definitely seek out the advice of friends and family to help locate the possible source of your anxiety.


Antioxidants Are Found In Broccoli Sprouts

Antioxidants Are Found In Broccoli Sprouts

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A high dose of antioxidants has extremely beneficial effects on the body. Its almost impossible to get too much. First of all, the antioxidants in broccoli sprouts are great for stopping both aging and cell decay, thus resulting in a healthier body. They can even help reduce your risk of cancer.

There are few things as packed with antioxidants as broccoli sprouts, and so many people have jumped on to the current health craze by eating them. It's not just broccoli sprouts; ...

broccoli sprouts,immune systems,antioxidants

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A high dose of antioxidants has extremely beneficial effects on the body. Its almost impossible to get too much. First of all, the antioxidants in broccoli sprouts are great for stopping both aging and cell decay, thus resulting in a healthier body. They can even help reduce your risk of cancer.

There are few things as packed with antioxidants as broccoli sprouts, and so many people have jumped on to the current health craze by eating them. It's not just broccoli sprouts; from Green tea to Vitamin C, antioxidants are the biggest thing in health nowadays. And its no wonder.

Sprouts are a risky proposition for many people. If they are commercially grown, they can carry food-borne diseases which are especially likely to effect the old and very young, as well as people with compromised immune systems. Fortunately, if you grow your broccoli sprouts at home, you can ensure that they are not over-saturated and that you use safe fertilizers which will not infect you with e. coli.

One of the healthiest way to consume these little dynamos is buy growing broccoli sprouts at home on your own. Although you can get the same helpful antioxidants in full grown broccoli, broccoli sprouts have the advantage that they contain 50 times the quantity of mature plants. Another advantage of growing broccoli sprouts as opposed to buying them is safety.

And you don't have to eat them plain, as if they were medicine, either. broccoli sprouts are great on salads, over rice, marinated and served with chicken, and in many other culinary combinations. They can be used anywhere that bean sprouts might be called for. Of course, some people simply don't like the taste of broccoli sprouts.

For them, there is broccoli sprout extract. Even if you do think that they taste good, this extract might be the logical choice for you. If you don't have that much room to grow plants, broccoli sprout extract has the advantage of being able to pack a tremendous dose into small, affordable pills.

Of course, before you go out and buy a whole pallet of broccoli sprouts, keep in mind that this is only one way in which you can get antioxidants to help your body and decrease your chance of cancer. Not only do tea, and multivitamins contain them, but so do most green leafy vegetables, although not at quite the dose at which they are contained in broccoli sprouts.


jueves, 7 de julio de 2011

Antidepressants – the alternative

Antidepressants – the alternative

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Depression is a very common problem which can affect your quality of life, from just slowing you down to seriously incapacitating you. It's also a serious issue for the health service in both the USA and the UK and is predicted to become the second biggest burden on both countries health services in less than two decades.

antidepressants, EPA,

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Copyright 2006 David McEvoy

Depression is a very common problem which can affect your quality of life, from just slowing you down to seriously incapacitating you. It's also a serious issue for the health service in both the USA and the UK  and is predicted to become the second biggest burden on both countries health services in less than two decades. Many people suffer in silence, not wanting to go to their doctor with a condition which some still find embarrassing and difficult to discuss. Others find that the side-effects of the antidepressants they are prescribed prove almost as debilitating as depression itself, or simply that the drugs do not have the right effect. This can leave sufferers feeling even more isolated and unhappy. However, research suggests that there may be a natural remedy for what is often referred to as 'the common cold of mental illness'.

After extensive research scientists have come to believe that high quality fish oils, rich in Omega 3 essential fatty acids, are the natural solution to depression, even in severe cases in which the patient has not responded to other treatment. The key to alleviating depressive symptoms is EPA or elcosapentaenoic acid, an essential fatty acid of the Omega 3 group which can be found in some specialist fish oils. It has been shown by brain scans to regenerate the brain, and it is also possible that it stimulates stem cells into producing new nerve cells.

EPA has a positive effect on the brain regardless of whether you are depressed or otherwise of low mood. It has been shown to improve mental performance as well as a host of other health benefits including decreasing the risk of heart attacks, deep vein thrombosis or DVT, and stroke. An international group of medical scientists have assembled an impressive body of research over the last couple of years which gives weight to these astonishing beneficial claims. Consultant psychiatrist Dr Basant Puri, who is also a senior lecturer at London's Imperial College MRI unit, is an enthusiastic supporter of the EPA cause and prescribes it in a high-quality form to his depressed patients at his Hammersmith Hospital Clinic. He says they are responding well; "Studies show that this nutrient, found in high quality fish oil, can clear the symptoms of depression within three or four weeks, and then the patient can ward off any further attacks just by taking a daily supplement."

Dr Puri first became intrigued by the function of EPA when studying nutrition, and when he became a psychiatrist and brain imager he could see for himself the benefits of supplementing diet with EPA. It became clear that a lack of EPA in diet may in fact be a major cause of depression. Dr Puri's work and insights led him to consider the accepted view on the biochemistry of the brain and to think differently. He realised that human beings ate more fish during the period in history when our brains were still developing, and saw that "The trouble today is that many things we eat, along with stress and nicotine, inhibit the body's own ability to produce [essential fatty acids]."

One 21-year-old man Dr Puri first treated EPA with had suffered from depression for seven years or more, but after taking the supplement for nine months he had a new lease of life. He set up his own business and was planning to travel to the US to study – a significant change had occurred. And not only in his mood, but in his brain itself. A comparison of a brain scan taken before the EPA treatment with one taken after indicated, to Dr Puri's amazement, that the brain had partially regrown. Depressive patients show low levels of electrical activity in the brain and an actual reduction in the cerebral cortex – this patient showed nerve cell regrowth and a thickening of the greater part of the brain, commonly referred to as the 'grey matter'. Dr Puri took this as indicative that EPA, with its apparent power to stimulate the brain to make it repair itself, could bring hope to people suffering from a wide variety of conditions.

Omega 3 is found chiefly in oily fish – tuna, fresh salmon, pilchards, sardines and mackerel – but these alone do not provide EPA in sufficient qualities to have this amazing effect on the brain. Supplements, which can be taken alongside antidepressants in complete safety, are necessary to treat depression. It's not a good idea to stop antidepressants immediately, without a gradual reduction as advised by your GP, as you can suffer severe side effects. You should always consult your GP before embarking on any treatment, however, and should be especially careful with fish oil supplements if you are taking any blood-thinning medication as EPA also thins the blood.

It's good to find an EPA supplement which contains a lesser quantity of DHA, another Omega 3 fatty acid, as too much of this can lessen the effectiveness of EPA. Patients suffering from mild to moderate depression should take two capsules twice a day with food, while patients with severe depression should take a higher dose after consultation with a specialist. As with antidepressants it's advised that you continue to take the supplements after the symptoms have gone – in the case of EPA, Dr Puri recommends two capsules a day as a maintenance dose. There are positive side effects of EPA too – patients will find their skin looking fresher and the condition of their hair and nails improving, which can help to give that boost of self-esteem depression sufferers benefit so much from.


Antibiotics as a Cure for Stomach Ulcer

Antibiotics as a Cure for Stomach Ulcer

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Stomach ulcer refers to open lesions and ulcerations at the level of the stomach. Statistics indicate that more than two percent of the people in the United States are diagnosed with stomach ulcer each year and it is estimated that around eight to ten percent of these people are at risk of developing various other forms of ulcer over the years. In the United States there are approximately half a million annual cases of stomach ulcer. The disorder has the highest incidence in the male gender, and it predominantly affects people with ages over 50.

gastric ulcer, peptic ulcer, ulcer

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Stomach ulcer refers to open lesions and ulcerations at the level of the stomach. Statistics indicate that more than two percent of the people in the United States are diagnosed with stomach ulcer each year and it is estimated that around eight to ten percent of these people are at risk of developing various other forms of ulcer over the years. In the United States there are approximately half a million annual cases of stomach ulcer. The disorder has the highest incidence in the male gender, and it predominantly affects people with ages over 50.

Stomach ulcer is considered to be a serious disorder. In the absence of medical treatment, stomach ulcer can lead to complications such as stomach perforation and internal bleeding. There are many forms of treatment for stomach ulcer in present. However, the problem with most medications is that they only provide temporary symptomatic relief, allowing the disorder to reoccur soon after completing the prescribed medical treatment.

Stomach ulcer is a digestive disorder that occurs due to physiological abnormalities (poor stomach production of bicarbonate, poor integrity of the stomach's mucosal protective cover, inappropriate mucosal blood flow, overproduction of pepsin and gastric acid) and infection with bacteria called Helicobacter pylori. Although these bacteria are known to be a major cause of stomach ulcer, most doctors neglect this aspect and only prescribe medications for normalizing the stomach's production of digestive fluids. Although antacids and other medications commonly used in the treatment for stomach ulcer can keep the disorder under control, they can't overcome the ulcer completely. Unless the treatment with antacids is followed on a regular basis, the symptoms of stomach ulcer are very likely to reoccur.

One of the most common medications used in the treatment for stomach ulcer is Tagamet. This ulcer drug acts by reducing the levels of gastric acid and pepsin inside the stomach. The problem with Tagamet and other antacids is that they only provide short-term effects. Most people affected by stomach ulcer experience a relapse of the disorder soon after interrupting the treatment with Tagamet.

Since the underlying cause of stomach ulcer is infection with Helicobacter pylori, people with the disorder should also receive a medical treatment with antibiotics. Research results indicate that people with stomach ulcer who have been prescribed a course of antibiotics such as amoxicillin or penicillin have experienced a considerable amelioration of their ulcer. In addition, most people with stomach ulcer who have followed treatments with antibiotics have been permanently cured. Unlike antacids, antibiotics can provide long-term effects for people affected by stomach ulcer, thus minimizing the chances of relapse.

A two-week course of amoxicillin is usually sufficient for overcoming the infection with Helicobacter pylori. Corroborated with antacids, antibiotic treatments can successfully cure stomach ulcers, minimizing the chances of relapse.


miércoles, 6 de julio de 2011

Anti Aging Skin Care Popular Methods

Anti Aging Skin Care Popular Methods

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While exploring the scope of anti-aging skin care treatment, the most commonly asked question is 'What skin renovation medicines have so far proved to be effective'? Collecting right information regarding the anti aging treatments flooding the marketplace is the best strategy to adopt anti aging skin care techniques that suit your aging skin.

To regain your eternal beauty and to get back your youth, go with the anti aging skin care supplements. Anti aging cosmetic products...

anti-aging treatments, anti-aging skin care supplements, Anti-aging skin care products

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While exploring the scope of anti-aging skin care treatment, the most commonly asked question is 'What skin renovation medicines have so far proved to be effective'? Collecting right information regarding the anti aging treatments flooding the marketplace is the best strategy to adopt anti aging skin care techniques that suit your aging skin.

To regain your eternal beauty and to get back your youth, go with the anti aging skin care supplements. Anti aging cosmetic products can dramatically improve your look by nourishing you from inside. And that is a natural procedure. No need to go for a painful surgery. Anti aging skin care products can drastically change the way you look and can make you feel young. You can challenge the aging process with anti aging skin care medicines that provide life to your dry or oily skin. You can really stall the ageing process for a few more years with anti aging skin care treatments and enjoy the excitements of youthful life. Try to select anti aging products that will alleviate your rough and dry skin and provide sufficient hydration. Make sure that your anti aging skin products get promptly absorbed into your skin and produce immediate results. Check out whether your anti aging product is hypoallergenic and non-photo toxic. Be careful about damaging your skin instead of repairing it.

Anti aging supplements will rectify the health of your internal system as well as take proper care of your sensitive and wrinkle prone skin. Anti-aging skin care cosmetics usually contain active anti aging components that support the skin's natural ability to remove free radicals, age spots, and chemical toxins that obstruct healthy skin, and improve your skin agility and elasticity. A good quality anti aging product can reduce skin drooping and wrinkling. Anti aging skin care supplements works in complete harmony with the body, supplying and balancing the necessary anti aging dietary requirements thus making your skin glow and look young for a long period of time.


Analysis Of Alternative Health Treatments

Analysis Of Alternative Health Treatments

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Are you considering an alternative health treatment? Buying a nutritional supplement? Need hard facts on the effectiveness of a therapy?

When evaluating an alternative therapy, as with conventional therapies, there are two basic factors you want to look at: Benefits and Cost.

The benefits can be hard to sleuth out. Many treatments are buried under so much hype, marketing material or legend that it's hard to figure out the real benefits. Here are several ways to find out...

alternative health

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Are you considering an alternative health treatment? Buying a nutritional supplement? Need hard facts on the effectiveness of a therapy?

When evaluating an alternative therapy, as with conventional therapies, there are two basic factors you want to look at: Benefits and Cost.

The benefits can be hard to sleuth out. Many treatments are buried under so much hype, marketing material or legend that it's hard to figure out the real benefits. Here are several ways to find out how effective the therapy is.

User experiences
Other people who have used the product are going to be some of your best sources for information. Printed testimonials have limited use, though, as many of them are fictitious, or exaggerated. A better method is to actually talk to people who have used the therapy and get their opinions first hand. Try to talk to people who have had good and bad experiences. With the people who have had bad experiences, you may find that most of them did not properly use the therapy, in which case you can probably discount them.

Scientific information
Ask your health professional or a sales representative for scientific research on the product or service you are looking at. You can also look for scientific data on PubMed or at libraries.

The cost of a therapy or treatment is not just the financial cost. While price should be figured in, a treatment that really works is worth a lot of money, but one that doesn't is not worth anything. So price should not be your first concern.

The primary cost you should be concerned with is side effects. Are their side effects that you may experience while taking the therapy? Are there possible long term health risks? Long term damage to your health is a very high price to pay for a treatment.

With careful evaluation, you can choose an effective treatment or therapy that will work for you, without bad side effects.


martes, 5 de julio de 2011

An Udderly Ridiculous Home Remedy

An Udderly Ridiculous Home Remedy

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Home Remedies - Facts or Quacks?

That's what I recently asked myself. Myths and legends often have their basis in a grain of truth. So I wondered if home remedies, alternative treatments, and folklore cures might also be based on truth. A little research provided these astonishing results!

Itching For A Cure

Edward Jenner is widely credited as the father of the smallpox vaccination. However, twenty years earlier in 1774, a quick-thinking English farmer named Benjamin...


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Home Remedies - Facts or Quacks?

That's what I recently asked myself. Myths and legends often have their basis in a grain of truth. So I wondered if home remedies, alternative treatments, and folklore cures might also be based on truth. A little research provided these astonishing results!

Itching For A Cure

Edward Jenner is widely credited as the father of the smallpox vaccination. However, twenty years earlier in 1774, a quick-thinking English farmer named Benjamin Jesty saved his family from smallpox using some pretty unorthodox methods.

Waiting Until The Cows Come Home

In 1774 the highly infectious and deadly smallpox disease was epidemic. Farmer Jesty, immune to the disease because he had survived it in childhood, feared for the lives of his pregnant wife and children. Many country folk knew that people who had previously caught the milder disease of cowpox from an infected cow did not catch the normally-fatal smallpox disease.

A Desperate Plan

Frantic to find a solution before his family caught the disease, Jesty took his family to a nearby farm where cows were infected with cowpox. He injected his family with diseased cowpox cells from the cows. Because vacca is Latin for cow, this procedure later became known as vaccination.

This Isn't Bull

The mild cowpox disease came and went in the children. His pregnant wife had complications and required the aid of the local doctor. His family did not catch the deadly smallpox disease, but word leaked out. Poor Jesty was ridiculed by his neighbors, who expected his family to turn into cows, or at least grow horns!

Edward Jenner was a tireless crusader in promoting the benefits of smallpox vaccination. However, it was a desperate farmer who used his quick wit and country folklore to save his family 20 years earlier.

Regardless of whom history credits, this home remedy definitely rates as a fact rather than a quack!

If you liked this home remedy information, you can find more through the resources shown below. Home remedies can be effective, and may save you time and money.


An Easier Type Of Medical Care

An Easier Type Of Medical Care

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Patients undergo fewer exploratory surgeries with newer and more sophisticted imaging procedures.

An Easier Type Of Medical Care

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More and more, medical advances are cutting down on cutting people open. Improved imaging procedures make diagnostic and even surgical procedures less invasive.

Medical imaging enables a range of less-invasive, highly targeted medical therapies that translate into better and more comfortable care for patients. Because they are less invasive, these treatments mean fewer complications, shorter hospital stays and, in many cases, no incisions or surgery.

Physician specialty groups, independent organizations and peer-reviewed journals agree that medical imaging is one of the most important parts of modern medical care. In fact, many renowned medical experts believe that without imaging to guide diagnosis and treatment, patient safety would be compromised and quality of care diminished.

Doctors have long used surgery for diagnostic as well as therapeutic purposes, looking inside a patient to see what's causing his or her symptoms. Now, improved imaging procedures mean this is often unnecessary, saving patients discomfort, time and money. Here are some of the ways imaging has improved health care:

 Image-guided biopsies allow doctors to remove a small piece of tissue for testing through a tiny incision, while still being able to see exactly what they're doing.

 CT scans can reduce the need for invasive procedures and additional imaging tests in helping physicians diagnose pulmonary embolism.

 Microcoil stents are used to repair brain aneurysms, reducing a patient's chance of death by almost a quarter. Placing stents would be impossible without the use of video X-ray imaging technology.

The preferred therapy for reopening blocked arteries and permitting blood flow to the heart is a procedure called coronary angioplasty. Again, only through the use of imaging technology can doctors see where the blockage is and how to get there.