viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2011

Bad Breath Remedies

Bad Breath Remedies

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Bad breath, also known as Halitosis in medical terminology, is an unpleasant odor that exits the mouth while breathing. This occurrence can be both embarrassing and troubling to many who suffer from the airborne nuisance. There are different types of bad breath, which occur for different reasons and therefore require different treatments.

Temporary bad breath is commonly caused by a dry mouth, poor oral hygiene, certain types of food and/or smoking. Any one or a combinatio...


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Bad breath, also known as Halitosis in medical terminology, is an unpleasant odor that exits the mouth while breathing. This occurrence can be both embarrassing and troubling to many who suffer from the airborne nuisance. There are different types of bad breath, which occur for different reasons and therefore require different treatments.

Temporary bad breath is commonly caused by a dry mouth, poor oral hygiene, certain types of food and/or smoking. Any one or a combination of these can result in bad breath. Another common type of temporary bad breath is known as morning breath, which occurs first thing in the morning as an individual opens his/her eyes. Chronic bad breath is often caused by certain medical conditions, medications and/or oral buildup.

The determination of bad breath is often made by the person who suffers from it. A dryness or pasty feeling in the mouth and/or an unpleasant taste are both symptoms of bad breath. The best way for a quick, and temporary, relief is to drink a glass of water. This will restore moisture in the mouth and will help to provide some fast results.

The treatment for bad breath may include regular dental visits and proper cleaning, brushing 2 to 3 times daily or after every meal, regular flossing, a change in food consumption and/or diet regimen. In addition, many bad breath sufferers find that brushing the tongue will help to rid the mouth of bacteria that could later lead to a foul odor. Unfortunately for many who suffer from chronic bad breath due to an illness or necessary medication, the only plan of action against bad breath is to mask the problem as effectively as possible. A mouthrinse, chewing gum or breath freshener may help to reduce the noticeability of bad breath.

Anyone who suffers from bad breath may wish to carry a packet of chewing gum, breath mints and/or breath spray for quick relief. In the event that it isn't always possible to brush after every meal, such as often the case when dining at work or with colleagues, these items will help to mask any odor until the individual is able to properly cleanse their mouth.

The information contained in this article is to be used for reference only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice. Anyone who suffers from bad breath that cannot be eliminated with the above methods, or whose condition seems to worsen, should consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.


Back Surgery Is Not Always The Answer

Back Surgery Is Not Always The Answer

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Having a high risk surgery like back surgery is not always the best thing. Weigh the risks before going under the surgeons knife. You may be sorry if you do have surgery when it is not needed.

hydrocodone, vicodin, lortab, xanax, hydrocodone online, vicodin online, lortab online, xanax online,

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So many people suffer from chronic low back pain. Its the number one reason Americans miss work. Back pain can either come on slow and get worse, or all at once you wake to find you cant get out of bed like a lighting strike out of the blue. Either way its a terrible thing to cope with. When after a few days or a couple of weeks at tops, most people end up going to the doctor. Upon going to the doctor, a lot of the people hurting with low back pain are told by physicians that surgery is needed. This news alone can be devastating in itself. Back surgery required recovery time that most people cant afford to take from work. Back surgery also is very expensive. Not only does it take a to recover and expensive, its also sometimes not even necessary.

So many people have low back surgery when other alternatives could have been used. Other methods of dealing with back pain can be physical therapy, biofeedback, traction, exercise, steroid injections, and electric stimulation therapy of muscles and nerves just to name a few. People that rush into back surgery have found that their back actually hurts worse than it did before the surgery. Some people also need follow up surgery either to correct mistakes made in the initial surgery, or problems in the back that crops up later. Either way this is also devastating. By this time, the patient has been out of work so long, that a financial hardship has occurred, medical bills have piled up, or some people have lost their employment, and find their back pain is no better or even worse.

People needlessly put themselves in this situation. I blame this on a couple of things. Physicians are quick to suggest surgery for the simple reason they do not believe in treating people with pain medicine. Some physicians are more worried about writing prescriptions for pain medication, than the pain your suffering from. This is due to people abusing the system when it comes to prescription drugs, or the lack of knowledge the physician sometimes has towards chronic pain sufferers. Either way the true chronic pain patient suffers tremendously.

When it comes to your back, going under the knife should always be the last resort. Everything under the sun should be tried, and tried again before anyone should have surgery. There are a few exceptions when having back surgery right away is necessary, but for the most part, other measures and therapy are out their and should be used. As a low back pain sufferer myself, though Im not a medical doctor, I would suggest something like this. First find a doctor who believes treating pain with pain medication. Combing physical therapy with pain medication can relieve pain tremendously. Do physical activities such as stretching, walking, sit-ups if possible, this strengthens the muscles around the disc taking the pressure off the nerves that cause such pain. A good program of pain medicine combined with other pain management tactics can do wonders over a period of time. A lot of people have found that the pain has actually went away with this type of therapy.
Worse case scenario, its better to have your back still in tact with pain, compared to the many complications, the severe pain, permanent nerve damage, loss of physical mobility, being unable to work, and even becoming disable due to having low back surgery. Remember no matter what anyone tells you, its your back, not theirs. Its easy for someone to tell you what you should do, but they don't have to walk in your shoes after a failed back surgery.
Author is an advocate in pain managment, helping people who suffer from chronic pain to get the proper pain medication to treat their pain for a better quality of life.


jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2011

Back Pain - Natural Supplement Treatments

Back Pain - Natural Supplement Treatments

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There are a number of different ways you can treat your back pain naturally: vitamins, minerals, herbs, nutrition, and homeopathy medicine.

Some will help heal your back pain and others are dangerous, so it's best to consult with a physician or nurse practitioner before taking anything and never, ever exceed recommended dosages.

The FDA has no control over natural supplements, so it does not recommend them.

Since supplements are not FDA approved they must be accom...



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There are a number of different ways you can treat your back pain naturally: vitamins, minerals, herbs, nutrition, and homeopathy medicine.

Some will help heal your back pain and others are dangerous, so it's best to consult with a physician or nurse practitioner before taking anything and never, ever exceed recommended dosages.

The FDA has no control over natural supplements, so it does not recommend them.

Since supplements are not FDA approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to "diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."

That doesn't mean, though, that all supplements are bad. Some medications turn out to be unsafe, too, despite rigorous trials and testing. The bottom line is to research every product you consider taking and make sure you get supplements from a reputable source, like a health food store.

Everybody's chemistry is different and reacts differently, so if you are considering taking a supplement equivalent to a pharmaceutical, you may still have some side effects.

There are many natural supplements that can be found in supermarkets and drug stores. You may have to check health food stores for more obscure supplements. Like any kind of medication that you buy over the counter, you'll have a choice between the store brand and name brands.

Store brands are perfectly safe to use and are less expensive because you don't have to pay for advertising. You can also buy supplements over the internet, but you should be sure you buy from a reputable source so you know exactly what you are getting.

Do some research and ask around to find out which online suppliers are the best and most reputable.

Listed below are some natural supplement treatments that have been publicized to help alleviate back pain. When dosages are listed, you should know that if you are particularly thin or heavy, you should consult an expert before taking the supplement.

And remember, natural supplements will not relieve pain immediately, but have to be taken for weeks or sometimes even months before you see results.

Vitamins and Minerals

VITAMIN E-400 IU daily; anti-inflammatory
VITAMIN C-250-500mg twice daily
ZINC-30 mg twice daily; anti-inflammatory
CALCIUM-600mg daily; strengthens bones
BORON: 1-3 mg daily with food; helps the body absorb calcium and magnesium
MAGNESIUM- 250 mg daily; strengthens bones and relaxes muscles
COPPER: 2 mg daily
GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE: 500 mg. three times daily. Can rebuild cartilage in joints and has been studied by the American College of Rheumatology as an effective treatment for rheumatoid arthritis.
NIACINAMIDE: 500 mg three times daily; anti-inflammatory and heals damaged cartilage. Can cause liver damage and aggravate diabetes, low blood pressure, ulcers, and glaucoma, so have a doctor monitor you if you take this supplement.


Herbal supplements can be found in capsule or powder form, or as teas. If you are making your own herbal tea, use 1 tsp. of herb per cup of hot water. Cover mixture and steep for 5-10 minutes, or 10-20 if you are using roots. You can safely drink 3-6 cups of tea daily.

Muscle Relaxants

KAVA KAVA: Recognized by some doctors as a safe alternative to Xanax and Valium.
BLACK HAW: relieves muscle spasms and is similar to aspirin
VALERIAN ROOT: Widely researched and documented as a sleep aid, valerian has been given a number 1 rating for safety by The American Herbal Products Association.
WILD YAM: Long used to treat menstrual cramps; generally taken as a tea.
JAMAICA DOGWOOD: Used to treat muscle inflammation and spasms; little research has been done on it and excessive amounts can be toxic. Do not use with sedatives.


BROMELAIN: 500 mg three times daily
BOSWELLIN: 150 mg three times daily. Has been proven in clinical trials to help alleviate low back pain
CURCUMIN: 400-600 mg three times daily; sometimes mixed with ginger, curcumin has not been studied in clinical trials, but herbalists use it as an anti-inflammatory.
MSM: Has not been researched, but herbalists use it as an anti-inflammatory.
ST. JOHN'S WORT: 300-500 mg capsule three times daily; interacts with a wide variety of medications and should only be taken under the advisement of an herbal specialist.

Pain Relief

WHITE WILLOW BARK: effects are similar to taking aspirin
DEVIL'S CLAW: 400 mg three times daily. Used to treat arthritis, research shows devil's claw may boost the effectiveness of conventional drugs.


Homeopathy is a practice of medicine that has been around for about 200 years. It is based upon what is called the Law of Similars and works on the same principle as do immunizations: give someone a small dose of what would make them sick to cure their sickness.

Treatments have been proven in clinical trials, and are prepared by a homeopathic pharmacy under FDA guidelines. Researchers don't completely understand how homeopathic medicines work, but the evidence is clear that they do. Homeopathy has been popular in Europe and India for a long time, and is gaining popularity in the United States.

Many practitioners are doctors or have some other kind of medical degree, perhaps in nursing or psychology. The legal issues surrounding homeopathic practitioners that do not have medical degrees is unclear, but most homeopathic remedies are sold over the counter and do not need a prescription.

Here are some natural homeopathic remedies that are helpful in alleviating back pain:

AESCULUS: used for dull, nagging pain
ARNICA MONTANA: used in cases of trauma to the back
COLOCYNTHIS: used for weakness and muscle cramps in the lower back
GNAPHALIUM: used to treat sciatica, which is often associated with back pain
LYCOPODIUM: used to treat burning pain
RHUS TOXICODENDRON: used for lower back stiffness and pain


Bach Flower Remedies To The Rescue

Bach Flower Remedies To The Rescue

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I have to thank my son's bump on the head for some of my conviction about the benefit of Bach flower remedies. Jon was about a year old and had hit his head quite badly. The bump was swelling before my eyes, and I decided to try out the Bach rescue cream that I'd recently purchased. The bump was partly in his hair and partly on his forehead. I carefully put the cream on – it was difficult to get the cream close to the skin where his hair was. The next day the bruise on his fo...

Bach flower remedies, self-help,children, pets, babies, illness, alternative med

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I have to thank my son's bump on the head for some of my conviction about the benefit of Bach flower remedies. Jon was about a year old and had hit his head quite badly. The bump was swelling before my eyes, and I decided to try out the Bach rescue cream that I'd recently purchased. The bump was partly in his hair and partly on his forehead. I carefully put the cream on – it was difficult to get the cream close to the skin where his hair was. The next day the bruise on his forehead had gone completely, but the bruise in his hair was still there, although it was not as bad as I had expected it to be. This amazed me and made me determined to learn about these amazing remedies.

I bought and studied the little booklet that explained all about them - as a very busy mum I was happy to have something that wasn't too big to read! I was also happy that the remedies weren't drugs and could be used safely with even tiny babies. There are 38 different flower remedies for various psychological states, and I instantly could see how I could use them for myself, my family and my friends: larch is for someone who lacks self confidence, aspen is for generalised fears, impatiens for impatience, heather for those who want to be the centre of attention all the time, and scleranthus for the undecided.

The remedies were developed by Dr Edward Bach -pronounced 'Batch' - who lived in England from 1886-1936. He was trained as a doctor and worked as a pathologist and bacteriologist, but he felt that medicine was not getting to the root of the problem. He learnt about homeopathy, and developed various important homeopathic remedies, but he was still not satisfied, and this led him to develop the Bach flower remedies.

The remedies are based on flowering plants and trees, and are designed to correct inappropriate psychological states. This doesn't mean that they're not suitable for physical problems, because Bach believed that there was "a factor above the physical plane which in the ordinary course of life protects or renders susceptible any particular individual with regard to disease, of whatever nature it may be." (From 'Heal Thyself' by Edward Bach). In other words, if you are dissatisfied or distressed, you are more likely to catch a cold or become chronically ill.

Bach found the remedies through intuition: sometimes he would hold a flower in his hand and experience in his body and mind what the remedy was capable of, and sometimes he experienced deep negative emotions and would go out into the countryside searching until he found the flower that would turn off these feelings. Bach also found that if he floated the flowers in a glass bowl containing spring water in the sunshine, this healing property of the flower passed into the water. For some plants that flowered early in the year, such as holly, Bach boiled the flowers and stems to overcome the problem of the lack of sunshine.

The remedies are normally taken in one of two ways:

Putting two drops of the chosen remedy in a glass of water and sipping it frequently
Putting two drops of several remedies in a bottle with water and/or brandy and taking 4 drops 4 times a day

There is one combination that Dr Bach found he used a lot, and he called this 'rescue remedy'. This is a mixture of 5 of the 38 flower remedies (cherry plum, clematis, impatiens, rock rose and star of Bethlehem). It can be used for any emergency or stressful event. This is really helpful after a fall, or an argument, before visiting the dentist or taking an examination. The normal way of taking it is to put 4 drops in a glass of water and then to take small, frequent sips. You can also take it straight from the bottle in a real emergency. Many nurses I meet swear by it, and secretly and unofficially recommend it to their patients.

Rescue cream contains the same 5 remedies as the rescue remedy drops, but with the addition of crab apple and is useful for cuts and bruises, and for babies who fall and bang their heads!

The remedies are made using brandy, and this may be a problem for some people. An alternative way to take them is by dabbing them on the wrist, behind the ears and at the temples – this way the benefit of the remedies may be felt without imbibing alcohol.

The remedies do not interfere with any drugs, and can be taken with good effect by the terminally ill. Babies and pets seem to benefit often apparently instantly and miraculously, and many adults can tell you of amazing results for themselves and their children.


martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011

Ayurvedic Medicine System

Ayurvedic Medicine System

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Ayurveda medicine is a very comprehensive medicine system that is more that 5,000 years old, that is based on a holistic medicine approach that has its roots in Vedic Culture. Inside the word Ayurveda you will see the word "veda", which means knowledge, tells us it's important role in ancient hinduism. Charaka Samhita and the Sushruta Samhita are two early texts of Ayurveda. There use to be a tradition of surgery associated with ayurveda.

ayurvedic medicine, ayurvedic, ayurvedic herb, ayurvedic treatment, ayurvedic care skin, ayurvedic diet, ayurvedic product, ayurvedic spa, ayurvedic exporter medicine, ayurvedic in kapha medicine

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Ayurveda medicine is a very comprehensive medicine system that is more that 5,000 years old, that is based on a holistic medicine approach that has its roots in Vedic Culture. Inside the word Ayurveda you will see the word "veda", which means knowledge, tells us it's important role in ancient hinduism. Charaka Samhita and the Sushruta Samhita are two early texts of Ayurveda. There use to be a tradition of surgery associated with ayurveda.

For the most part Ayurvedic therapies are herbal compounds. This is largerly due to it's ancient roots. In later times alchemical preparations start to enter the ayurvedic pharmacopieia. Ayurveda also provides therapies to treat different vegetable and animal toxins. Examples of this are things like snake, spider and scorpion venom. In fact there is an entire branch of Ayurvedic medicine that deals with the science of toxicology.

The main idea behind Ayurveda is that an organsism adapts to the food and its environment. By then introducing small quantaties of food and or medicine, the organism can adapt to it and learn to resist it. This is quite a basic principle and illustrates the complexity of the immune system and of the body as a whole.

The information provided above is only a breif look at the medicine, and some of it's qualities and idea's. Ayurveda is an extremely interesting form of medicine; it is easy to see why it has stayed with us over the past 5000 years!


Ayurveda Treatment For Heart

Ayurveda  Treatment For Heart

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At the spirit of Ayurvedic wiseness lies a natural world...where herbs heal the mettle, meditation mends it and deeper remedies take tooth root every day. Except for the firm cursive Sanskrit hand and modern font terms, an Ayurvedic "prescription" has changed little in the past thousand years. How did the ancient Ayurvedic doctor, unfurnished with titanium-plated tools and ready-made checkup textbooks, get to the root word of cardiac healing. "Precisely because he was ," smil...


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At the spirit of Ayurvedic wiseness lies a natural world...where herbs heal the mettle, meditation mends it and deeper remedies take tooth root every day. Except for the firm cursive Sanskrit hand and modern font terms, an Ayurvedic "prescription" has changed little in the past thousand years. How did the ancient Ayurvedic doctor, unfurnished with titanium-plated tools and ready-made checkup textbooks, get to the root word of cardiac healing. "Precisely because he was ," smiles Dr R.K. Mishra, renowned Ayurvedic vaidya. "Plants were his entire pharmacopoeia.

He had to acknowledge every flora, folio, base and fiber by nerve. The Ayurvedic vaidya was really two things rolled into one--a doc and a herbal pharmacologist. Studying plants gave him insight into the incredible intelligence of the living cell. And instead of extracting a single active ingredient, he used the whole herb, with entirely its built-in checks and balances, to heal.

For example, the leafage of a certain works could carry a potent antiviral, but its stem could nullify completely the harmful reactions or side effects." Once the vaidya had found the theme causal agency of spunk disease, he set approximately trying to identify the healers. He picked out the herbs that worked for the pump. Continued from page 1. It's fascinating to think how Ayurveda and allopathy have been thinking on the same lines for so long. Take cholesterin, for illustration. The vaidya had no way of isolating.

It is reasonable to theorize that Ayurvedic practitioners knew close to unblock radicals altogether. Not only did the vaidyn recognise the culprit, he had already commissioned the cops: antioxidants. Using the knowledge of antioxidant herbs from Ayurveda, practitioners of Bodoni medicine ar treating, even preventing, clogged arteries and kernel attacks.

Realizing that by themselves they not strong enough, Ayurveda and Bodoni font skill now seem to be joining hands. A unexampled, promising branch of healing is steadily taking etymon worldwide. Combining ancient soundness with modem techniques, this young scientific discipline might be the brave Modern frontier of human healing.


lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011

Avoid The Donut Hole of Medicare Part D

Avoid The Donut Hole of Medicare Part D

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Did you know that more and more people who have Medicare coverage are turning to Canadian Pharmacy Online services

canadian pharmacy, canadian pharmacy online

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Did you know that more and more people who have Medicare coverage are turning to Canadian Pharmacy Online services? Do you realize that even with Medicare Part D, most of the people covered by Medicare will still save lots of money by continuing to use a reputable Canadian pharmacy.

By now, you have probably heard about the very large shortfall in Medicare Part D, called the donut hole. Donut holes are supposed to be small; however this shortfall is not small in any way and will probably cause many people much worry and stress. The amount between $2150 and $5100 must be paid as out-of-pocket expenses by those covered by Medicare Part D.  Your goal should be to try and avoid hitting the doughnut hole if at all possible.

Extend Your Savings

Canadian pharmacy online services can stretch your Medicare Part D coverage by saving on each and every prescription medication you have mail ordered to you. With savings of more than 30% or 40% on each Canadian pharmacy online prescription filled, the time before hitting the so-called donut hole can be significantly longer if ever.

Another problem with Medicare Part D is that whichever program you choose, you may very well obtain prescriptions during the year that offer absolutely nothing as far as savings on that particular medication. The good news is the Canadian Pharmacy companies offer savings on almost every medication. The savings are not tied to a "program", so no strings attached!

Freedom of Choice

It is a good idea to choose a Canadian pharmacy to assist your medication costs. Because the medications you receive will be exactly the same as those sold in the U.S. in both content and dosage, you will simply be putting money back into your pocket. The medications are exactly equal in every way. The difference is simply this: Canadian pharmacy services offer these medications at much lower prices than U.S. pharmacy services.

Find a Reliable Service

To make certain your Canadian pharmacy is ethical and reliable, select a Canadian pharmacy that requires verification of your prescription and validation by a Canadian doctor before the prescription is filled.  Be sure to confirm the Canadian pharmacy service you are interested in insists on proper paperwork before your meds are processed.

Any of the services that claim "no prescription required" should not be trusted. Anyone obtaining prescription medication at home or abroad must have a doctor's prescription. It doesn't matter if you are doing business with a Canadian pharmacy or a U.S. pharmacy; no one can legally mail you medications without a doctor's order. Also, avoid any service that charges a membership fee. Any website that asks for a membership fee is not doing business ethically.


Available Treatments Of Chrones Disease

Available Treatments Of Chrones Disease

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Chrones disease is a disorder in which the bowel system becomes inflamed and damage is often done as a result.  The exact reasoning is unclear as to why, but the body's immune system seems to react abundantly to a portion of the digestive tract that is actually quite healthy.  As the area is pumped with white blood cells in preparation to fight a nonexistent enemy, it becomes inflamed.  This inflammation allows the tissue to become damaged as stool passes through the digestiv...

chrones disease, ibd, bowel system, crohns disease

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Chrones disease is a disorder in which the bowel system becomes inflamed and damage is often done as a result.  The exact reasoning is unclear as to why, but the body's immune system seems to react abundantly to a portion of the digestive tract that is actually quite healthy.  As the area is pumped with white blood cells in preparation to fight a nonexistent enemy, it becomes inflamed.  This inflammation allows the tissue to become damaged as stool passes through the digestive system.

There are several courses of treatment available for chrones disease, which typically fall into one of two categories: medication therapy or surgery.  Of course, surgery is self-explanatory – when an area becomes damaged excessively, it may be necessary to remove the portion of bowel to prevent a blockage or to remove an existing blockage.  However, medication therapy is used considerably more.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are often used to reduce the swelling of the tissue in the digestive system.  Unfortunately, many of these have horrendous side effects, such as vomiting and severe headaches.  Sulfasalazine, Mesalamine, and Corticosteroids are examples of medication often used to control inflammation in the bowels.

The immune system overreacting is the cause for the inflammation of the bowel walls.  For this reason, some doctors will use a course of treatment that involves repressing the immune system to stop the problem before it starts.  However, this does not come without side effects.  Whenever you suppress the immune system, you open your body up to be attacked.  Even a common cold could be a problem with no immune system to fight it off.  Some of these medications also cause high blood pressure, liver damage, and other complications.

Another option is the use of antibiotics.  These are used to lessen inflammation and to eliminate any infection that arises.  Also common are medications that simply treat symptoms of chrones disease.  Laxatives or anti-diarrhea medications are often used to provide some relief.  Similarly, pain relievers are sometimes effective in controlling stomach cramping. Because chrones disease patients often have nutritional deficiencies from not being able to properly absorb food, they may also need vitamins and other supplements. 

While some of the treatments for chrones disease come with complications and side effects, many patients prefer to live with those consequences as opposed to having the disorder disrupt their lives.  The important thing is for patients to remember there is treatment available and they do not have to suffer forever.


Astragalus Root - Can It Help You Feel Better?

Astragalus Root - Can It Help You Feel Better?

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Astragalus root has been used since ancient times in Chinese medicine. It is related to the pea family and is actually a root. Only in recent times has it been introduced to the west and we are now finding the benefits of this herbal plant. It is grown in Northern and Northeast China. It is harvested in the Spring and then dried for 4-7 years. It is now grown in the USA.

Scientific research has shown that this root has the ability to strengthen and improve the body's immun...

astragalus root,stragalus,

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Astragalus root has been used since ancient times in Chinese medicine. It is related to the pea family and is actually a root. Only in recent times has it been introduced to the west and we are now finding the benefits of this herbal plant. It is grown in Northern and Northeast China. It is harvested in the Spring and then dried for 4-7 years. It is now grown in the USA.

Scientific research has shown that this root has the ability to strengthen and improve the body's immune system. It does this by stimulating the body to make more interferon. This substance helps the body destroy viruses and other unwanted microbes. Astragalus root is often recommended for boosting the immune system, in those who get sick easily or already have a serious illness.

Astragalus root also claims to boost energy levels and vitality. Blood circulation is improved. There are no known side effects, but consultation with your doctor is advised before taking as a supplement.
Astragalus root is very active in improving cell communication. Its properties include Polysaccharides and Glyconutrients, which are known to improve the immune system and are also anti-inflammatory. It also helps the body get rid of water retention.

It is taken as a dried powder and often with other Chinese medicines. To prepare as a tea: You will need to put 1 teaspoonful of the root powder in 1 cup of water, then simmer for 10-15 minutes. Drink 3 times a day. When taking a tincture of the root powder you will need to take 2-4 ml three times a day.
You should not use Astragalus root prior to or after surgery, because the risk of bleeding can be increased. Astragalus root can have an adverse effect when used with blood thinning drugs like warfarin.

Astragalus root is a good supplement for your health but is a strong medicine. This should not be taken randomly and you should always consult your doctor before taking. Research in the west is fairly new and we have only just begun to find out about this amazing herbal medicine. As scientists do more research we will hear and get to know more about this new and exciting alternative to modern day medcines.


Astigmatism - Cause For Blurred Vision

Astigmatism - Cause For Blurred Vision

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It is one of the main reasons for having blurred vision which many people are not aware of. It is stated to be one of the common reasons for having eyesight problems. This condition brings nearsightedness or farsightedness along with it.

It is caused mainly due to irregular shape of the cornea or of the lens which is located behind the cornea and is called as lenticular astigmatism. The problem can be corrected by use of eyeglasses, contact lenses or refractive surgery.

Astigmatism blur vision, astigmatism surgery, astigmatism eye problem

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It is one of the main reasons for having blurred vision which many people are not aware of. It is stated to be one of the common reasons for having eyesight problems. This condition brings nearsightedness or farsightedness along with it.

It is caused mainly due to irregular shape of the cornea or of the lens which is located behind the cornea and is called as lenticular astigmatism. The problem can be corrected by use of eyeglasses, contact lenses or refractive surgery.

To put it in lay man's term astigmatism means that the cornea is oval in shape instead of being spherical. The cornea in the astigmatism condition has two curves - a steeper and a flatter curve. This kind of curve spreads the light to two focus points instead of one, leading to blurred vision.

Astigmatism is said to be hereditary as many are born with oblong cornea. Being born with this defect can create problems for future. Astigmatism is also caused due to scarring of the cornea by performing certain type of eye surgery. It is also caused due to keratoconus - a disease which causes thinning of the cornea.

Astigmatism leads to nearsightedness (myopia) when the cornea is curved too much. The light which should be focused on the retina is focused in front of the retina leading to a blurry vision for distant objects. It also causes farsightedness (hyperopia), as the cornea is not properly curved. Here, the light is focused behind the back of your eye making nearby objects blurry.

You can detect the signs and symptoms of astigmatism when there is deformation in parts of the visual field. The horizontal, vertical or diagonal lines look blurred. It may seem to do less harm to you but if this condition worsens it is better to consult your doctor. If you are suffering from blurred vision or headaches, a doctor's consultation is very important. Rubbing or squinting is also a good sign to confer with your doctor. By practicing yoga the problem of astigmatism may lessen.

One of the most common types of surgeries used to correct astigmatism is the astigmatic keratotomy and LASIK. This kind of surgery reshapes the cornea which makes it right enough to focus on one point. The one thing that can be done to correct astigmatism is to get a surgery done as early as possible. Children are at risk to permanently loose their eyesight due to astigmatism. So the best solution for this is an early surgery.


domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2011

Asthma Treatment: Your Ally In Preventing Asthma Attacks

Asthma Treatment: Your Ally In Preventing Asthma Attacks

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You have probably seen a person in the midst of an asthma attack, either in real life or in comedy sitcoms and movies. They have a hard time breathing because their airways are more sensitive than that of other people. This demeanor is often mimicked in shows and movies with slapstick humor but breathing problem is no laughing matter. Patients with breathing disorder have to stay away from allergens, such as animal fur and feather or flower's pollen grains, that may trigger a...

Asthma, asthma treatment

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You have probably seen a person in the midst of an asthma attack, either in real life or in comedy sitcoms and movies. They have a hard time breathing because their airways are more sensitive than that of other people. This demeanor is often mimicked in shows and movies with slapstick humor but breathing problem is no laughing matter. Patients with breathing disorder have to stay away from allergens, such as animal fur and feather or flower's pollen grains, that may trigger allergic reactions. Children who usually play outside may not instantly notice or momentarily forget that they have to veer away from potential breathing irritants. The last thing they know is that they're already having a hard time breathing and are in dire need of an effective asthma treatment.

Doctors and research experts plainly explain that asthma occur in people who have delicate airways which can easily react to certain allergens. Since it is a chronic condition, people with breathing problems have to deal with it from childhood to adult life. This condition is also hereditary so if you are a mother who has a breathing disorder, you should make it a point to check with a pediatrician if your child inherited your breathing problem. The telltale signs your child has a breathing disorder if he or she wheezes and coughs a lot and is allergic to cats or similar things. The child may also experience shortness of breath and the feeling that his or her chest is tightening. Don't undermine these signs so that you can immediately give your child the extra care he or she needs.

But the good thing is that there are certain medications one can take to prevent hard-to-breathe attacks. Asthma treatment includes inhalers, nebulizers, and doctor-prescribed drugs. For younger patients, physicians explained that the child can both use inhalers and nebulizers which are equally effective. However, inhalers are more child-friendly in a way because it is more convenient to use compared with nebulizers which are power-generated. Inhalers, either the dry power kind or the metered-dose type, are also cheaper alternative reliefs for asthma attacks. Whatever kind of medication you use, doctors advise patients to make sure they are doing the medication application the right way. Patients have a choice which kind of medication to use according to their budget and the severity of their breathing conditions. It is a case-to-case basis; a medication which works for a particular patient may not be as effective for another patient. It is best to consult physicians first before subjecting yourself or your loved one to a certain medication.


Asthma – Diagnosis And Treatment

Asthma – Diagnosis And Treatment

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Asthma, characterized by difficulty in breathing, is a chronic lung condition. Asthma patients have hyper responsive airways that narrow down when irritated. This makes air movement difficult and cause wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath and chest tightness. The two factors that provoke asthma are –

· Triggers – They irritate the airways and result in Bronchoconstriction. The common triggers of Bronchoconstriction are cold air, dust, strong fumes, inhaled irritants, em...

asthma,allergies,asthma treatment,air purifiers

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Asthma, characterized by difficulty in breathing, is a chronic lung condition. Asthma patients have hyper responsive airways that narrow down when irritated. This makes air movement difficult and cause wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath and chest tightness. The two factors that provoke asthma are –

· Triggers – They irritate the airways and result in Bronchoconstriction. The common triggers of Bronchoconstriction are cold air, dust, strong fumes, inhaled irritants, emotional upsets and smoke.

· Causes or Inducers – They result in symptoms which may last longer. Allergies in the form of pollen, animal secretion and molds, and Respiratory viral infections are the most common inducers.

Asthma diagnosis is important for proper treatment. The common symptoms for asthma are allergies, hay fever and eczema. The chance of a child developing asthma is much more when there is a family history of allergies and asthma. The common symptoms of asthma in children are breathing problem, repeated nasal stuffiness, itchy eyes, eczema, hives and persistent cough followed by cold. Diagnosis of asthma involves physical examination, chest x-ray, blood tests and sputum studies, allergy prick skin testing, challenge tests, differential diagnosis and a trial use of asthma medications.

Asthma affects twice as many boys as girls in childhood. It affects more teenager girls than boys. In adulthood, the ratio becomes equal. The risk of uncontrolled asthma is greater than the risk a mother or fetus faces due to medication used to control asthma. Uncontrolled asthma during pregnancy can produce serious maternal and fetal complications like premature birth, low birth weight and maternal blood pressure changes.

The most effective treatment for asthma is identifying triggers, such as pets or aspirin, and limiting or eliminating exposure to them. Anti-inflammatory medications with Bronchodilators are used for immediate relief of symptoms. Asthma medications come in various forms like a metered dose inhaler or a puffer, dry powder inhalers and nebulizers.

The prognosis for asthma is good for children with mild disease. For asthma diagnosed during childhood, 54% will no longer carry the diagnosis after a decade. Asthma seems to be more prevalent in athletes than the rest. A relatively high incidence of asthma is found in sports such as cycling, mountain biking, and long-distance running, and a relatively lower incidence is found in weightlifting and diving. The exercise-induced asthma shares many features with allergic asthma.

Exercise studies are helpful in diagnosing and assessing this condition. People with mild asthma (infrequent attacks) may use relief medication as needed. Those who have persistent asthma should take control medications on a regular basis to prevent symptoms from occuring. A severe asthma attack requires a medical evaluation and may need hospitalization, oxygen, and intravenous medications.


Assassination by Vaccination

Assassination by Vaccination

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The vaccination issue needs to be thoroughly considered. Do not be coerced and harassed into vaccinating your child.  You will meet resistance with programmed school officials who make you feel like a criminal for not allowing your child to be vaccinated. They will call you a bad parent.

vaccines, immunization, vaccination, immunization shots

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Vaccines and immunization shots for school were never my thing from the beginning. In fact, I didn't know any kids who were cool with needles.
We usually went into the clinic kicking and screaming. Not only because it hurt to have a needle stabbed into our arms (or anywhere), but on some deeper level we knew that vaccinations were not healthy. Now that we are older, we are capable of making our own responsible decisions about our health and the health of our families.  I found that vaccinations and immunizations actually do more to cause illness and disease than they do to prevent it.

Why do statistics report that vaccines are successful in wiping out disease?

To uphold the long-held illusion that they work. There is so much misinformation being spread about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.  The bad reactions that occur soon after the shot are written off as standard vaccine reactions. What is left unexplained and unaddressed is the gradual, delayed deterioration of the immune system. Whether one child dies or 500 children die within a year of being vaccinated, it is treated as an isolated situation.

So why are dangerous vaccines still being administered?

This question has many answers but the most obvious is MONEY.  The medical cartel's mission is not to help people.  It is meant to destruct.
An example is the HIV hoax being perpetrated on African countries and third world nations.  AIDS and SARS represents job security for groups like the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), etc.  These epidemics are guaranteed funding for these agencies.If there are no epidemics, then guess what….No CDC!…. No WHO!  We have a system whose whole existence depends on the discovery of new, threatening epidemics.

Every year they roll out a new one.  It was West Nile Virus a few years ago…then SARS…and now, soon to be released...Bird flu. If the medical cartel is going to be overthrown it needs to happen NOW, while we still have the freedom to accept or reject medicine.  Oppressive legislation such as Codex Alimentarius aims to take away that freedom. Don't let 'em fool you!

The vaccination issue needs to be thoroughly considered. Don't be coerced and harassed into vaccinating your child.  You will meet resistance with programmed school officials who make you feel like a criminal for not allowing your child to be vaccinated. They will call you a bad parent. If you are well-informed you can buck the system. But only you can make that decision.  The cartel is banking on you succumbing to fear and pressure. Every state has exemptions that can be declared based on religious and/or philosophical views.  The fight has to start somewhere.  You can fight better on your feet, than you can on your back.  In other words, don't wait until you're down or backed into a corner to start taking action… that just might be too late.


Aspirin Sensitivity, The Basic Truth

Aspirin Sensitivity, The Basic Truth

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Contrary to what your folks usually think, and from what you may have heard while growing up, aspirin sensitivity is not an allergy. Though, the effects and symptoms of the case can be somehow depicting and similar to those of allergies, aspirin sensitivity is not and will never be a true allergy.

Though, aspirin sensitivity may result in adverse and similar to allergy type of reactions in affected persons.

Usually, reported cases of aspirin sensitivity are linked to th...

aspirin allergy, symptom of aspirin allergy, aspirin sensitivity

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Contrary to what your folks usually think, and from what you may have heard while growing up, aspirin sensitivity is not an allergy. Though, the effects and symptoms of the case can be somehow depicting and similar to those of allergies, aspirin sensitivity is not and will never be a true allergy.

Though, aspirin sensitivity may result in adverse and similar to allergy type of reactions in affected persons.

Usually, reported cases of aspirin sensitivity are linked to those who contract moderate to almost severe form of asthma and also to chronic sinusitis.

Severity of asthma raises the susceptibility of one person to the disease. Advancing age or simply put, aging, also is a great factor that leads to aspirin sensitivity.

Take note that according to a modern study in the medicine discipline, nine out of ten, or 90%, of people who are diagnosed or described as aspirin sensitive are at the same time sensitive or manifest adverse reaction to allergy-causing drugs, foods and inhalants.

A brief history of aspirin sensitivity

Aspirin is one of the most common over-the-counter drug that is taken by people with mild fever, body aches and other mild ailments. Nowadays, aspirin tablets are also taken as a preventive drug against heart attacks or strokes.

But did you know that aspirin simultaneously originated from Egypt, Assyria and Greece. In those ancient civilizations, aspirin was in the form of a white willow bark that was then used to treat fever and pain.

The ancient Greeks, Assyrians and Egyptians also used that white willow bark, now identified as aspirin, to treat sore muscles, chills, rheumatism and headaches. The native American tribes also had the knowledge of such practices.

In 1828, salicin which was an active and stand out ingredient or chemical from the willow bark was isolated. Ten years after, in 1838, salicylic acid was first produced from hydrolysis and oxidation of salicin. In 1893, the first modern form of aspirin was produced.

The drug company Bayer secured the rights to the aspirin official trade mark and name on March 6, 1899. The rest, as they say, is a common and prolonged history.

Symptoms and Treatment

Because aspirin is so widely used today, it is somehow surprising that the drug produces sensitivity to certain people. Aspirin sensitivity almost always show up or manifest as rhinitis or what we call nasal congestion.

Aspirin sensitivity can also be mistaken for asthma or hives because the symptoms and signs of ailment are almost the same.

Through several experiments, you can determine if you are sensitive to aspirin. Take the following steps. First, take a very small dose of aspirin. Be very particular, small dose, or you might end up somewhere very unlikely if ever you are sensitive to aspirin.

After taking the small dosage, observe yourself for any sign of cough or wheezing. There will come out itchy rashes around the mouth area and watery eyes and nasal congestion is evident.

In some rare conditions, aspirin sensitivity can also cause the development of anaphylaxis or breathing difficulty, which is an allergic reaction common to bee stings. There will also be severe decline in the patient's blood pressure.

If you are diagnosed with aspirin sensitivity, desensitization can be done under intense and monitored medical supervision. This can be funny, but such desensitization will involve taking in very little dosages of aspirin everyday until the sensitivity is gone.

If an aspirin sensitivity attack is taking place, it is best to seek immediate medical help and attention. No drugs should be taken without the doctor's prescription or administration, because adverse reaction to other drugs can lead to fatality.

To prevent aspirin sensitivity attacks, it is advise that you avoid taking in, of course, aspirin or other anti-inflammatory medicines or NSAIDs like naproxen and ibuprofen.


sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2011

5 Safe & Effective Home Remedies

5 Safe & Effective Home Remedies

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While some ailments require specific medications, others may be treated with simple home remedies that have withstood the test of time. Generations ago, people began using home remedies and have passed their knowledge on to their families as time progressed. Still, many are unaware of the large number of home remedies that can provide instant, safe and effective relief. Best of all, home remedies do not cause side effects as other conventional medications often do.

Anyone ...

how to start your own business, home business, article marketing, home party business,

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While some ailments require specific medications, others may be treated with simple home remedies that have withstood the test of time. Generations ago, people began using home remedies and have passed their knowledge on to their families as time progressed. Still, many are unaware of the large number of home remedies that can provide instant, safe and effective relief. Best of all, home remedies do not cause side effects as other conventional medications often do.

Anyone who suffers from allergies or a cold may find themselves increasingly congested throughout the night. In order to relieve breathing and open the airway passages, an individual may find success in running hot water in the sink and slowly inhaling the steam from the running water. This will help to relieve blocked nasal passages and may help the sufferer to breathe easier at any time of day, including at night.

Snoring is a big problem, but few know how to treat it. In addition to a number of anti-snoring devices, medications and even surgery for extreme cases, there are also a number of home remedies that may help to eliminate this nighttime nuisance. Anyone who snores may find that sleeping on their side, instead of their back, may help to eliminate the problem. Adding an extra pillow may also help to curb snoring due to the fact that the head is raised slightly higher and may help to prevent air passages from becoming restricted, which is a leading cause of snoring. In the event that snoring worsens or does not seem to respond to home remedies, it is possible that the individual has developed sleep apnea. This is a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention.

With warmer months just ahead, the bees will be buzzing and this means the potential for bee stings. To lessen the itching of a bee sting, a combination of baking soda and water can be combined to create a paste that will ease some of the discomfort. Many individuals find this to be just another part of summer but to others, it can be life threatening. For people who are allergic to bee stings, medical help are not always close enough. Therefore, over the counter Benadryl is often recommended as a temporary aid to keeping the allergy under control until the bee sting sufferer can get to a doctor or hospital for further treatment. Individuals who are allergic may find that carrying Benadryl with them is a good idea.

Everyone is scared of the dentist, but it's a part of life that everyone must face. Whether a recent tooth loss, cleaning or other procedure that may cause bleeding, rinsing with warm salt water on two to three occasions daily will help lessen the chance of infection and will ease soreness.

Anyone who paints their fingernails is probably familiar with the smell of nail polish remover. Well, for anyone who finds the smell unbearable or simply feels lightheaded in its presence, there is a much simpler way to remove nail polish. Simply applying clear nail polish to each nail and allow it to sit for 3-5 seconds before wiping it away with a napkin or paper towel. This will help to remove any trace of nail polish.


5 Killer Ways To Treat Athlete’s Foot

5 Killer Ways To Treat Athlete's Foot

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If you've got an itch on your foot that you can't help scratching, then you might have a dreaded case of athlete's foot. But there's no need to worry because here are five ways that you can treat yourself—no doctor and no prescriptions needed.

Head over to the store

Your best cure for athlete's foot might be available at your local grocery mart or drug store. Look for creams and ointments that contain clotrimazole or miconazole as their active ingredient. These are topi...



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If you've got an itch on your foot that you can't help scratching, then you might have a dreaded case of athlete's foot. But there's no need to worry because here are five ways that you can treat yourself—no doctor and no prescriptions needed.

Head over to the store

Your best cure for athlete's foot might be available at your local grocery mart or drug store. Look for creams and ointments that contain clotrimazole or miconazole as their active ingredient. These are topical creams that can be directly applied to the feet.

All you need to do is reapply the cream after you shower to clean, dry feet and then cover with a pair of cotton socks. The cream should be reapplied two to three times a day after that for about two to three weeks.

Going the natural route

Another great way to treat athlete's foot is similar to the store method, but with a more natural oil. Tea tree oil is known for its antifungal properties and works to destroy the fungus on the feet.

You'll need to start with clean and dry feet and then apply the oil to the affected areas. You can do this several times a day for as long as it takes to cure the symptoms.

And it makes your feet smell great.

Cures from the kitchen

When you want to get rid of your athlete's foot, you may just have to open up a few cupboards. Both baking soda and vinegar have been shown to help with treating this fungal condition—though not at the same time.

For the baking soda, you can soak the feet in a mixture of the powder and warm water. And if you have apple cider vinegar around, use that instead of the baking soda.

Getting your feet clean of fungus

Some will tell you that soaking your feet in bleach is also a good alternative for treating athlete's foot. However, this has to be done carefully or you might injure your feet. You should only use two tablespoons of regular laundry bleach in a gallon of warm water.

Soak your feet for ten minutes and you can see results within a week's time.

Scaring away the itchiness and redness

And while garlic is great for vampires, it's even better for athlete's foot. This is because the antibiotic ingredients in the garlic help to cure the infection. Just rub a clove of garlic (one that's been cut in half) over the affected area a few times per day.

But with all of these ways of treating athlete's foot, the best advice is to avoid getting it in the first place. Make sure that your feet are kept dry and avoid walking on your bare feet in conditions that are likely to harbor the fungus—public showers and shoe stores where you try on the shoes without a barrier.

And of course, good hygiene will always keep your feet clean and happy, and hopefully free from itching.


5 Great Ways To Lower Blood Pressure Using 1 Great Fruit

5 Great Ways To Lower Blood Pressure Using 1 Great Fruit

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Have you had your lycopene today? If you ate a green salad with fresh chopped tomatoes, then you not only got a healthy dose of this powerful antioxidant, but you have also taken significant action toward lowering your blood pressure. A recent double-blind study conducted in Israel has confirmed what hearth-healthy Italians have enjoyed for centuries - tomatoes (and tomato sauce) lower blood pressure and the risk of heart disease.

Dr. Esther Paran, head of the hypertension...

lower blood pressure, lower blood pressure naturally, high blood pressure

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Have you had your lycopene today? If you ate a green salad with fresh chopped tomatoes, then you not only got a healthy dose of this powerful antioxidant, but you have also taken significant action toward lowering your blood pressure. A recent double-blind study conducted in Israel has confirmed what hearth-healthy Italians have enjoyed for centuries - tomatoes (and tomato sauce) lower blood pressure and the risk of heart disease.

Dr. Esther Paran, head of the hypertension division of Soroka Medical Center, led up the Israeli study. It involved patients who were already being treated for hypertension, but were not responding well to the medications. Dr. Paran had patients take a supplement of tomato extract. The results were a significant drop in blood pressure after just four weeks.

Tomatoes are so effective at lowering blood pressure because they contain lycopene. This potent antioxidant is even the focus of some hybrid tomatoes grown by the Israeli company, Lycomato, in order to have higher concentrations of lycopene in each piece of fruit. Other antioxidants found in tomatoes make this one super-food in the prevention of heart disease. It can even help keep LDL cholesterol from oxidizing which makes it stick to the arteries and narrow the passage way causing blood pressure to increase.

Even during the peak growing season it can be difficult to consume four whole tomatoes each day, which is the recommended amount for having a positive impact on blood pressure. Here are some ways to get the benefits of tomatoes without having to eat them straight off the vine.

1. Make Chili. Using tomato puree, which is a concentrated form of tomatoes, as the base for your chili utilizes the antioxidants without the bulk of a whole tomato. Add some ultra-lean and high protein ground bison and kidney beans with minced garlic and onions, and cayenne pepper and you have a heart-healthy main course and a full day's allowance of tomato.

2. Since using olive oil with the tomatoes enhances the curative quality, make your pasta sauce red with tomatoes, tomato paste and olive oil to sauté the garlic and onion. Tomato paste used in making sauce contains more than 10 times the nutrients of a single tomato.

3. Have a fresh salad as a side dish to either of these entrees and cut one whole tomato on top. You'll get one-quarter of you tomato intake right there.

4. Drink tomato juice. It is better to make your own fresh juice so that you can control the sodium. Store bought juices can be high in sugar and sodium-based preservatives. If you have a juicer, you can make some incredible veggie juices to suit your own tastes by adding carrots, celery and some low-sodium seasonings.

5. Take a tomato supplement. If you just can't stomach tomatoes, then a 200 mg supplement provides the equivalent of more than the recommended four tomatoes.

Adding tomatoes to your diet can reduce systolic blood pressure by 10 points and diastolic pressure by 4 points as was evident in the Israel study. Whatever way you slice it, tomatoes will keep strengthen your immune system and lower blood pressure.

3 Ways To Life Happy And Healthy With Irritable Bowel Syndrome

3 Ways To Life Happy And Healthy With Irritable Bowel Syndrome

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Let me ask you something. What do Tyra Banks, Camille Grammer and Cybil Sheppard all have in common? They all suffer from irritable bowel syndrome – along with about 20% of the rest of the population, according to recent studies.

I'm the IBS Diva. And I say having irritable bowel syndrome doesn't have to be a death sentence. There are ways not only to cope but to thrive and live a happy, healthy life. Yes, I know, it can be a bit embarrassing at times – always searching fo...


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Let me ask you something. What do Tyra Banks, Camille Grammer and Cybil Sheppard all have in common? They all suffer from irritable bowel syndrome – along with about 20% of the rest of the population, according to recent studies.

I'm the IBS Diva. And I say having irritable bowel syndrome doesn't have to be a death sentence. There are ways not only to cope but to thrive and live a happy, healthy life. Yes, I know, it can be a bit embarrassing at times – always searching for the nearest bathroom whenever you go out, getting up in the middle of movies and only eating certain foods.

The IBS Diva doesn't let that get in the way of her good time, though. And you shouldn't let get in the way of yours, either.

Here are the IBS Diva's three simple pieces of advice for coping with irritable bowel syndrome.

1. You're still fabulous, honey. Act like it. Change your mindset about this functional disorder. You're not an outcast. You're a tough, no-nonsense leader. Believe it.

2. Don't stress – just rest. Just like the IBS Diva, you need your beauty sleep. Make sure you get at least eight hours per night. Let your body rejuvenate and heal during the night. Then you can wake up fabulous like the IBS Diva.

3. Keep searching. Even the IBS Diva searches for solutions for irritable bowel syndrome. Let's face it. Having this disorder is no walk in the park. But there are ways to cope and live a happy, healthy life. Search for them while you're on your journey to self acceptance. It can only help.

Honey, you have to look at irritable bowel syndrome as a challenge that you must overcome, not as a death sentence. With the proper mind set and a willingness to try new and effective dietary changes and medical solutions, you can live a healthy and happy life with IBS.


2 Fav Detox Home Recipe!

2 Fav Detox Home Recipe!

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Ginger Healing Detox Tea with Turmeric

There has been a lot in the news lately about the amazing healing properties of turmeric, a free-radical-fighting antioxidant-rich curry spice that has been hailed as a defense against both cancer and Alzheimer's. When we found this tasty recipe for a warming, detoxifying ginger-turmeric tea, we were thrilled: after the holiday season, we figured we could use some detoxing and healing!

Then we tasted it, and were totally hooked: it...

detox,detox tea,herbal detox,detoxification,colon,skin,health,cleansing,laxative,colon detox,herbal

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Ginger Healing Detox Tea with Turmeric

There has been a lot in the news lately about the amazing healing properties of turmeric, a free-radical-fighting antioxidant-rich curry spice that has been hailed as a defense against both cancer and Alzheimer's. When we found this tasty recipe for a warming, detoxifying ginger-turmeric tea, we were thrilled: after the holiday season, we figured we could use some detoxing and healing!

Then we tasted it, and were totally hooked: it's delicious! Ginger and turmeric combine with citrus and maple syrup to make the perfect blend of healing nutrients. We streamlined the recipe to make it ultra-easy, too:

2 cups water
1/2 teaspoon powdered ginger
1/2 teaspoon powdered turmeric
1 tablespoon maple syrup
Juice of 1/2 lemon

1. Bring water to a boil, then add powdered herbs. Simmer for 10 minutes.
2. Strain tea into a mug, add maple syrup and lemon, stirring to combine. Drink warm.
Makes 1 serving.

Spa Cuisine: Peachy Iced Green Tea – Recipe

Drinking green tea may help you lose weight. According to clinical studies conducted by Dr. Abdul Dulloo, of the University of Geneva in Switzerland, green tea raises metabolic rates and speeds up fat oxidation. Green tea is also a great immune-enhancing health-booster and anti-cancer agent, with flavonoids and polyphenols thought to inhibit tumor formation.

So here is our easy-to-make recipe for green tea, but this one tastes so good you'll never guess how good it is for you! A great, healthy thirst-quencher for hot summer days.
Simple Solution:


6 green tea teabags
6 cups cold water
2 ripe peaches, pitted and sliced
1. Place teabags in a large teapot or pitcher.
2. Put sliced peaches in a saucepan, add cold water, and bring to a brisk boil, then pour water and peaches over teabags.
3. Steep for 6 minutes, then add sweetener (maple syrup, honey or Succanat are recommended). Allow tea to cool, then refrigerate until thoroughly chilled.
4. Include a few peach slices in each glass and serve with a spoon, garnished with a sprig of mint, if you like.

Even Easier Alternative Method: Make a pitcher of green tea and add the contents of a can of organic sliced peaches. Chill thoroughly.
Makes 6 servings.


jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011

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sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2011

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